making connections

by losingit 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • smiddy

    Welcome Jen 1

    Keep venting here, their are people who can relate to your situation and are very encouraging .this is an excellent site to say what you want without repercussions .Depending on your situation , spiritual outlook or not ,you may find comfort solace at jwfacts an excellent site or free minds , both of which helped me ........just saying


  • Jen1

    Thank you all for your support its good to know I am not on my own. After my vent I decided that I am going to carry on missing as many meetings as I can, to keep mum happy I have to take her now and then! To be honest I have not knocked on doors for a year, but I will carry on putting in a small report. And instead of letting my missery show when elders wives are a pain and elders are in the mood to hastle me I am going to put on a happy show. What is it with elders they are either bothering you constantly or ignoring you. Why are they so keen to talk to you after a special article in the mags? I find it so funny when they want to come visit before the circuit overseers visit.

    Then in the new year I am going to join something? Not religious just something that gets me out with people to make friends!

    Yesterday I bought some christmas wrapping paper to wrap a gift for a healthcare worker. Half way round the suppermarked I came over all hot and my heart started racing because I suddenly realized I could bump in to jw. It felt so good to buy a gift! All the elders wives in our congregation buy each other anniversary cards and gifts. Did you know its ok for an elders wive to give an anniversay gift to another elders wife right in front of you. Then that same elders wives tells another sister its not right for her to have given a gift to another sister in the hall. Did you know the elders/wives/children all have a different set of rules.

    My husband is a fantastic man, he does have health issues but because of the double standard he does not push to go to meetings and hates knocking on doors. He also hates going to circuit assemblies. But he does not want out? But he does not want to go?

    I regret not getting an education. When I think of all the elders in our congreagation that are my age they all got an education, and now they earn lots of money but they have encouraged all our teenagers to go straight in to pioneering, most have and the two that have not are constantly enduring bullying remarks. jws are bullys its my way or you will die do you want to die.

    So like I said I have my plan, I want to be happy and have friends who are kind and not judging my every move and making me out to be bad. Thank you for reading. Its Saturday morning and I am going to the shops soon. bad! Oh and my mum is coming with me!

  • Hortensia

    Hello Jen1

    You're going through a tough time, but it will get better. I am the sort of person who always likes to have a plan -- think of where you want to be in a few years, make a list of things you'd have to do to get there, and then just starting doing those things. Time will pass whether you have a plan or not, so might as well have a plan and get somewhere you'd like to be.

  • Jen1

    Hortensia thank you.

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