We’re visiting briefly to try to clear up a misconception about Genesis 1:1

by suavojr 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • suavojr

    This to me is simply unreal! Imagine having to answer the following:

    KM 2014

    AWAKE March 2014
    “We’re visiting briefly to try to clear up a misconception that many have about this Bible verse. [Read Genesis 1:1.] Some believe this, that the universe was created, while others do not. May I ask what your opinion is? [Allow for response.] Many have trouble believing in creation because religious leaders teach something that the Bible really doesn’t say. This magazine presents the Bible’s logical and credible explanation of the beginning of the universe.”

    Amazing how they blame religious leaders for making people stop believing in God and then say that the MAGAZINE can present the Bible’s logical and credible explanation of the beginning of the universe.

    This is simply one of the most ignorant arguments that I have read in a while. Can you imagine starting a conversation like this with someone like cofty? lol

  • Honesty


  • adamah

    suavojr said- This is simply one of the most ignorant arguments that I have read in a while. Can you imagine starting a conversation like this with someone like cofty? lol

    Yup, but what do you think all of those people who said, "No thanks, I'm not interested" were actually thinking? Most of them wrote us off even before we got to part about reading Genesis 1:1, since they didn't want to waste their time explaining what we wouldn't even begin to understand without doing some heavy-duty study (and I'm not referring to Bible study aids such as reading the WT and Awake).

  • suavojr

    But don't worry, our magazines are better than any explanation from those worldly scientists.

  • rebel8

    Wow, they are Young Earth Creationists--the most irrational kind--and they're throwing stones! That takes guts I guess.

    May I ask what your opinion is?

    Uh, my opinion is that it's not a matter of opinion. Either it was created or it was not. There is a fact. Maybe you consider it to be unknown, but that doesn't make it an opinion.

  • fiddler

    Many have trouble believing in creation because religious leaders teach something that the Bible really doesn’t say. This magazine presents the Bible’s logical and credible explanation of the beginning of the universe.”

    I don't know what the WT says THESE days but in all my years of growing up Jdub I was taught that the creative days were 7,000 years long so the earth would have been created 49,000 years ago give or take................That's what their magazines used to present. What do they 'logically' and 'Credidbly' teach now? Let's not even start about when Adam was supposedly created (6,000 years ago plus or minus a few).

    Many Jdubs have this arrogance about what they believe is their supreme 'scientific knowlege' and in reality.......they are absolute fools when it comes to serious science. They know nothing.

  • Finkelstein

    Being that the GB men of the WTS. are poorly educated ignorant men, postulating that the bible

    can explain the beginning of the universe is not surprising and should be logically expected.

    Doing so also supports the publishing house they actually run and operate.

    Higher education is the tool of the devil after all.

  • suavojr

    But we just want to prove to you how easy the bible helps us understand how something came from nothing. lol

  • sir82

    JWs: Laughing at people who say the universe was created 10,000 years ago, but who firmly believe as absolute truth that the human population of the planet was a grand total of 8, 4400 years ago.

  • cantleave

    Oh how I wish they would call on me.

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