We’re visiting briefly to try to clear up a misconception about Genesis 1:1

by suavojr 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • undercover

    Ask a dub if they believe the earth (or universe) was part of the 6 day creative process. When they parrot the WTS line that the earth (universe) was created and in place before the actual 6 day period of creation ON the earth, have em read Exodus 20:11

  • suavojr


    "The Flood may have been caused by all of the other planets being on one side of the earth at the same time. God may have inserted the "youngest" planet Neptune they said on the other side of earth to act as a gravitational corrective to make sure it doesn't happen again!" - Golden Age 6/15/1926

    That quote is just crazy! I can't beleive how my family got involved with these people. I hope that some of the people on this board get a knock on the door with this presantion. It will make your day!

  • sd-7

    The Ultimate 747!

    Yeah, but God has always existed. The Bible says God always existed, and the Bible was written by God. Problem solved. Eat it, Dawkins!


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Wow. Several times a day I stop and wonder about Genesis 1:1. After I ponder Genesis 1:1, I think a bit about Leviticus and Lamentations. Does anyone notice that the minor prophets don't get much human time? I suppose some Witnesses go around thinking about these things.

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