Thoughts about Depression and Anxiety

by flower 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jst_me

    I think maybe you have two issues:

    One is a true medical condition that needs continued attention and work.

    The second is that you were never given any tools to deal with that condition, and you may have had those tools if you werent brought up as a JW.

    Are you on meds for the anxiety? My daughter was on Zoloft for a while and it made her feel exactly as you are describing. She refuses to take meds now, but she works really hard with a therapist to stay off the drugs. I left the JWs when she was about 8, I cannot imagine her going thru the teenage years with the anxiety issues she has and having to be a JW. I dont think I would have thought enough about her behavior to get her tested if I was still a JW. Geez that is so scary.

    Keep expressing how you feel...look for real-life help.....thats what I would say.

  • flower

    Not interested, hey feel free to share yourself if you want ok? it always helps. you can write me sometime.

    jstme, actually yes i have had a medical condition my whole life. depression and social anxiety disorder which i spoke about when i started this thread. my depression and SAD were blatanly obvious to anyone who had any common sense. but everyone who knew me (which were only jw's and my family) wrote it off as me being a snob or just having an attitude problem. of course just being a kid myself i didnt know why i was different. being a dub of course intensified all of it.

    it wasnt till i was out of high school that i happened upon an article about depression and realized thats what i had. but i didnt do anything about it until after i had my son. enough was enough and i had to get myself together so i could raise my kid to be happy and healthy.

    so started the therapy/med/med therapy cycle for me. my therapists one after another got frustrated and dropped me cause i wasnt talking to them. they told me that i was hiding too much and it was counterproductive. i was only hiding the fact that i was a dub (inactive at the time). and then when i was df'd all hell broke loose mentally and yet i still didnt share any of it w/the therapist. i felt guilty talking to this 'wordly' person about things that were my own fault. there was no way they could help me because it was between jehovah and me. i eventually went off the meds and managed to live on an even keel for a year or so by telling myself that i didnt give a damn anymore. i was just gonna do what i could for my kid and fuck everything else.

    finding out the truth about the trooth was the thing that has helped me move forward and heal from both the depression and anxiety more than any med ever did or therapy ever could. the weight of the depression was gone almost in an instant.

    my therapists used to tell me that even someone with major depressive disorder can learn to live without medication by sorting out the root of the depression. well for me the root of the depression was the fact that jehovah hated me. i've felt that way since i was a little kid of 4 years old. it was threatened to me to make me behave. 'jehovah hates it when you act this way' 'jehovah wants you to do what i say' 'jehovah says you better listen to me'' this isnt me talking its jehovah because he says you better listen to your mother and father'.

    by the time i was 5 i was already exhibiting signs of major depression and anxiety. i can see it clearly when i think back to then. why couldnt anyone else?

    anyway once i knew that jehovah of the watchtower was a creation of their evil minds then a lot of my depression went away. the things i posted about here are more about learning to heal from the first 29 years of my life and become a real person.

    its not about depressive disorder anymore. i certainly dont need meds now. i'm better than i ever was when i was on meds. but i do need to work through some stuff. i'm actually happy now if thats possible to say.

    i feel unhappy but i'm happier than i've ever been in my life. make any sense?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    i feel unhappy but i'm happier than i've ever been in my life. make any sense

    Makes perfect sense to me flower -- yeaaaaahhhhhhhhh

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • lisa king
    lisa king

    Hi flower, What a toaching story, I really feel for you.I myself suffered from depression for many years it was clinical depression. I had similar feelings to you,. and felt very isolated.I had many so called friends, but with little sympathy from people in the hall.I felt so tierd sometimes I had to drag myself to the hall with the children in all weathers, even people passing in their cars saw me struggling up hill, but would not offer me a lift, but waived.Because of how I felt I could not acheive much in service, but I tried. I constantly felt bad because I could not do so much, which made my depression worse.
    I thought there was no way out of this: But trust me there is!
    I had elders round,on my request as I was finding it hard to bring up the baby. I found that I did not get much help and advise.And remember this went on for years.
    I was admitted to hospital very ill, no-one came to see me, I felt their was no hope.
    My so called friends at the hall I managed to confide in, then came the gossip they always write articles about. Well people started to stay clear of me, what was it because I was not doing much in field service etc. or I was mentaly imbalanced.
    I noticed this and it was awful.
    Now look at me! their is hope, please do not give up,I have two brilliant children, well balanced,things I need.And free thinking.

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