If I knew then what I know now, I might never have disassociated myself. I realize all I can do is speculate on what could have been. However, when I consider the number of people I might have been able to help by dropping little thought-provoking seeds, I really regret having jumped to the decision to disassociate so quickly.
I’ve read the accounts of several people on this forum telling of how stressful it is to be in the position that I just described above. I’m not suggesting that anyone endanger his or her health or sanity for the sake of waking up others. But if you are still in and awake and thinking of disassociating yourself, please stop and consider this:
1- There is a mountain of information for you to discover and you probably only know a fraction of what you are about to learn about this organization.
2- Once you disassociate, you will sever your ability to convey that information to friends and family, even if only in a limited and stealthy manner.
Others, please add to this list