Everybody has to look at their own life and decide what's best.
For many, simply walking away without officially DA'ing and without getting DF'ed allows them to stay in contact with family.
As far as dropping hints to help others, it could be done for awhile, months maybe. Perhaps you can tolerate meetings even more than a year or two for immediate family to keep helping them see the problems with WTS. Certainly, you want to help a spouse and children out of the JW's if you can.
And you are free to help whomever you want, but I want to say that the vast majority of "friends" in "the truth" will drop you or drag you back. Many need to accept that fading or staying in for loved ones is one thing, but it typically doesn't help with friends. If you have a close friend, often the best way to help them is to leave (fade, DA, DF, just stop going) and see if they care enough to overcome their Watchtower training and pursue the friendship outside of the confines of the religion.