Unfortunately the WTBTS does not need this verse to support thier "ideas." They just practice eisegesis in general. I do see your point about the meaning being changed in Ephesians 1:1.
They will NEVER let go of the 2 class party system, IMHO. They would lose authority, and they would lose face by being wrong AGAIN.. This is something that they do not want to do, especially since we are so deep into the time of the end. So the GB will just continue with business as usual by telling the sheep that the NT responsibilities are theirs, without the benefits. The R&F are stewards, but not really, they are God's children, but not really, Jesus is their mediator, but not really. It goes on and on.
The sheep have endured enough nu-light for now. They would benefit by letting some of the old-timers die off, and by concentrating on completing Warwick before dazzling the sheeple further.
I am also amazed at how closely the RNWT resembles all of Christendom's evil bibles. With the exception of JEHOVAH being thrown in willy-nilly, you would never know the difference.