is all religon crap?

by thesaint 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I wrote this post some time ago. Ray Franz read much of what Charles Davis wrote about religion and what happened when organizations were formed.

    Probably what Bible Student groups think of the WTS. They aren't organized, basically small groups.

    Ten or so years ago when I left, I did investigate many religions and walked away seeing the same flaws. Then I realized I did not need a group. As time has gone by, I question the validity of the OT doctrines and how different they are from the NT ones. I don't understand God allowing polygamy until the Christian era (and truthfully, until 1947 in the WTS).

    He (Herbert McCabe) became editor of the journal New Blackfriars in 1965 but was removed in 1967 following a now-famous editorial in that journal in which he criticised the theologian Charles Davis for leaving the Church. Davis left the Catholic Church publicly, denouncing it as corrupt. McCabe countered that of course the Church was corrupt but that this was no reason to leave it.

    Ray Franz saw a lot of his situation in Charles Davis's.

    Here Ray Franz quotes Charles Davis and applies his comments about the Catholic Church to Ray's experience with the WTS:

    Charles Davis was for many years a priest and prominent theologian (and editor of the British journal The Clergy Review) in the largest of the institutions that developed, the Roman Catholic Church. Explaining the reason for his decision to withdraw from his lifelong affiliation with that institution in the late 1960s, he wrote in his book A Question of Conscience: I remain a Christian, but I have come to see that the Church as it exists and works at present is an obstacle in the lives of the committed Christians I know and admire. It is not the source of the values they cherish and promote. On the contrary, they live and work in constant tension and opposition to it. Many can remain Roman Catholics only because they live their Christian lives on the fringe of the institutional Church and largely ignore it. I respect their position. In the present confused period people will work out their Christian commitment in different ways. But their solution was not open to me; in my position I was too involved. I had to ask bluntly whether I still believed in the Roman Catholic Church as an institution. I found that the answer was no. [Underlining ours]

  • Hortensia


  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I find the very idea of worship to be crap. (No offense meant to those who are religious. I was once religious myself)

    Just think about it for a minute: Why would a being who truly is superior to us morally and intellectually, practically coerce us into praising him? (It is coersion because if we choose not to worship him there is the threat of eternal destruction or eternal torment, depending on your brand of belief)

    Why would a great being need other lesser beings to keep reminding him of his greatness? The last time I checked, egomania was not a virtue but an unhealthy obsession. Why would a supremely intelligent, wise and moral being be an egomaniac? No one who asks you - threatens or bribes you - to worship him, deserves worship. It is no more moral and sane to demand that others worship you, than it is to demand that others love you. Why can't religious people understand this? Because religion is a virus of the mind that blinds people from thinking straight and which at times over-rules their humane conscience, getting them to do horrible things they would not otherwise do.

  • BackseatDevil

    "Yes" to the first question. "No" to the second.

    IF there is a god... he probably would respect people who found their way to goodness without blindly following an organized religon. Remember that Jesus preached against organized religion at his time. Chances are, he would not support organized religion in our time either.

  • 20yearfader

    imo i would say yes anything that man is involed in can start out nice and orderly but ends up being corrupt

  • 144001

    No, not all religion is "crap." Some religions are vomit as well.

  • Hortensia


  • Satanus

    Religion is mostly crap, imo. The sytandard god doesn't exist, imo. I have come down the path and am of the pantheist opinion, at this time. What that 'god', of which everything eminated and which is in everything, what it is, is the question, imo.


  • jwfacts

    There are of 35,000 religious sects on earth at the moment. It makes no sense to think just one is correct, and all those people with no access to that religion cannot have a relationship with God.

    Every religion is started by a person. A man, or occassionally a women, thinks they know what God wants, that they have superior knowledge of his requirement, or a special connection with him. Some write a new holy book, others re-interpret an existing holy book, but claim only their interpretation is correct. They set up a religion, and for some unknown reason, other mindless humans actually believe them.

  • humbled

    As soon as you join any religion your conscience is not entirely your own afterward.

    So maybe, if there is God, then God thinks all religion is crap.

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