jwfacts brillaunt! i agree wholheatly but u wull have to check all religs to see icf one conect to god if thur iz one
is all religon crap?
by thesaint 45 Replies latest jw friends
yes they seek nothing but control.
the saint , welcome to the board , we hope you stick around ,so much freedom in being able to speak your mind and not be chastised for it with restrictions and penaltys against you for using your brain and intellect .Look forward to hearing more from you.
u wull have to check all religs to see icf one conect to god
That would be impossible with in a human lifetime, due to the large number of sects. You could research the main ones, but it takes years to fully understand a religion, so even that is not practical.
When I moved to a small town, I entertained myself by visiting every church in town. I diarized my experience using the Mystery Worshipper form
. Might I suggest you try the same thing?
Yes, all religion is crap!
If you believe that Jesus Christ's return is imminent then in order to find "true Christianity" you will have to look for
a religion that has been completely undermined by Satan.
You will have to look for an esoteric group of men who have entered the Christian Temple and publicly display that they are also god's.
Men who have obtained veneration for themselves through some audaciuos and presumptuos means.
"True Religion" is easy to find if you simply use the bible record to look for the evidence.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called "god" or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of The God, publicly showing himself to be a god.
If you were to find a group of men who have the audacity to re-invent Jesus Christs baptismal commandment then that group must believe that they are more important than Jesus:
and lifts himself up over everyone who is called "god"
If you can find this then you have found "true Christianity" in the condition that the Apostle Paul explains that you will find it immediately preceeding the end.
Perhaps you have been looking for the wrong things?
nancy drew
Yes all religion is crap no matter how you look at it the same message appears
you are guilty even though you have no recollection of the crime
Some type of god is running the game who demands worship and total allegiance and will execute you or torture you if you disagree or ask too many questions
we all live our lives with a guillotine over our heads and sooner or later it will drop but in the meantime you're expected to find meaning and pleasure in existence and if you are in a religion you add on the additional pleasure of adoring a ruthless god.
isn't life grand
Believing that the leaders of any Christian religion today are led by God and as result should be obeyed in all things is crap, yes.
But most Christian religions today are not like the Watchtower which worships CONTROL even more that God.
I am not a believer, but I believe some religions are better than others. I have been to one I thought was OK, if I had to pick. I am sure there are more, it just depends on what you want out of the religious experience. In the end I decided not to join, they were OK with my lack of faith in God, but I thought, what's the point? I guess I am still traumatized by my JW experience.