Here is the link Will the GB approve of this?
South San Pedro CA Congregation Children Produce a professional video about Rahab
by disfellowshipped1 10 Replies latest social current
Rehab? From what? Drugs? The world?
I personally have nothing I want to rehab from!
the link didn't work
Neither did rehab...
Here's a link to the video ""
Cute kids, good effort, but a congregation taking initiative like this? Man oh man, the Watchtower is gonna shut this one down.
Very well done with good camera work.
I visited a cong once when the kids did a simlar production on stage about jezebel.
The VO was there and asked the 'audience' to be quiet until it was over. No chance the sisters went into gabberdrive, and they chatted and laughed oh it was so funny (?)
When it was done and all the sisters has whispered for the 18 thousandth time the name Jezebel the VO had some fairly sturn words to say to them all about not showing respect for the kids efforts.
(a) mature adults would not need to be told to be quiet.
(b) people of any calling with basic manners know not to talk, whisper or fidget about during any stage show.
(c) this is one reason why the 'house' lights are turned off the direct peoples attention to the stage.
I have written a couple of small plays but I knew better than to offer them to a kh as they would have to be vetted, my record would have to be vetted and they would have to fit it all in between the last 2 minutes of the Serv meeting just in case it offended some of the self righteous class. Any play requires the house lights off but that was not going to happen. I did ask but there was some weak line about "the sisters..." and I shut my ears off.
You are so right doinmypart the borg would shut it down flat.
I would like to see the film about Lot and his daughters...
Kids acting in a non GB approved play?? Looks like they are running ahead of Jehovahs Chariot, plus it looks like they are having too much fun. This makes Jehovah Saaaaaddddddd.
Rahab not rehab. The faith of Rahab.