South San Pedro CA Congregation Children Produce a professional video about Rahab

by disfellowshipped1 10 Replies latest social current

  • steve2

    I cannot wait for the DVD on the illicitly mating couple who were divinely and fatally pierced in the genital regions whilst they were "at it". Original screenplay can be found in Joshua.

    Also, not to be missed, would be the working up into DVD format of the myriad texts in which the ranting "true" God Jehovah and/or his spokesmen, declare the need for genocide against the vile peoples inhabiting the "promised land". THis land is reserved exclusively for Jehovah's chosen people.

    I particularly love the references to wiping out everyone and the helpful specification of young woman and their babes and old men and women. You can never be too careful - if you let even one baby survive, it will grow up and procreate with your chosen people and contaminate the gene pool and we're doomed.

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