Hi all! Me just learning the truth about the truth has just made it hard to even get through a two hour meeting at the the Kingdom Hall. I get so sleepy during them and I almost cannot contain it! The last time I went to a convention, I was still an avid believer but as you can see, that has changed. Now if I can just barely get through a regular meeting how in the hell will the six hour convention not kill n-one. Really would love any tips of getting through it easily. Thank you!
How to get through an Assembly?
by kaxozula 22 Replies latest jw friends
Really would love any Tips of getting through it easily. Thank you!
Ipod, ipad, iphone....
A good book
Erm...dont go....
I took notes on everything I felt was an attempt at brainwashing and controlling the witnesses. Thats a lot of notes. But that recent assembly was my first one since learning the ttatt, so you can say I was "zealous" I planned on putting my notes on here.
I've always wanted to recreate Fear and Loathing at a convention -
“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls....Not that we needed all that for the trip(convention)...No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket(get the badge), take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.”
The dude abides.... It was a fine rug....
Towards my last year or two of attending meetings, I could not keep awake. To cope I would stand in the back of the hall. Elders would ask me to sit but I told them my back hurt. I would frequently get up for water. For assemblies, I would walk. Alot. (and I worked in the auditing department so had lots to do during sessions at the District Convention.)
It's brutal. Find ways to miss meetings. Work late. Have a sinus headache - then stay home, take a walk, watch tv, or just go to bed early.
Take a class?
I don't know your situation much at all but there is probably a slew of people here who have a near-identical situation to yours. I'm sure you will find good support here.
And Welcome to JWN! We're glad you found us and even gladder that you spoke up!
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
I bring an ebook reader and read a good novel. The more interesting the better. After a while the droning voices from the platform just fade from consciousness as I get lost in the action of the novel. Set the font level to the smallest you can bear and prevent nosy folks from reading over your shoulder.
When I get tired of reading I take a break and nap for a while. My wife won't elbow me awake unless I start snoring loudly, in which case it's time for a bathroom break, when I come back to the seat it's always good to reach into the lunch box and get a snack or a drink, or maybe a piece of gum to chew while I go back to the novel.
For those stuck due to family allegiances and loyalties to the WT, I encourage the reading for entertainment and nap time during assemblies and conventions. I found this routine quite more bearable than trying to listen to the annoying nonsense being spouted from the platform.
One advantage of napping, especially during the last talk, which is usually by some Bethel heavy, is that if you can get a good nap, when it's time to drive the several hours trip back home you will feel a lot more rested.
So get an ebook and download a good novel.
The OUTLAW, oh my goodness!
Ms. Sapere, unfortunately no place to live if I do not attend those services. Both parents are especially strict about this and my job is only wage. I do not have an iPad, or any such devices but I think the walking thing is something I will try. Thank you
Walking, I had a friend that I had met in Bethel, and our families sat next to each other. He signaled he wanted to get up and invited me. We ended up going through every door that said, "authorized personel only" and I had the best tour of the arena I could ever ask for. We ended up under the stage believe it or not. Oh, it was funny. Volunteer, or just act like your volunteering. I've left the arena, gone down the street to the hotel's bar, and returned just before the last prayer. Go to the office supply because you needed another note book to take notes, etc.