How to get through an Assembly?

by kaxozula 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Just beware falling asleep at the Summer D.C. If your head lolls to one side and you begin to dribble, it will form a rainbow and all the kids, and most adults, that can see it snigger and point.

    I can remember the last D.C I attended, in 2006, and feeling "I just do not want to be here" and a huge wave of depression coming over me. Daydreaming and actually sleeping got me through, but my heart still sinks at the thought of it. What a waste of time !

  • jgnat

    Who is going to know you are there or not if you come alone? I do all the things that oppostate does plus a blank notebook for sketches and my own notes. Do not sit with your congregation. Save a seat beside you or both sides if you can get away with it for privacy. Binoculars are good for people watching during breaks.

    Mentally block off a section of assembly, count and categorize (kind of like staring at wallpaper). What's the demographic range of the group? How many singles? Born-ins? Male versus female? Paying attention, not paying attention?


    Now here's a thing - When I was a young man, the highlight of the assembly was meeting girls from other congregations. The strict rules governing such matters had only increased the desire to be together.

    For those brave enough to ask a girl to sit with them, the assembly could be spent sitting in the balcony next to the girl of their dreams. I was brave enough, and each assembly became a memory to treasure forever. With tie loosened, love notes were exchanged, and trembling young hands touched under a Bible, as the district servant sung out his words and time faded away.

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