Chrisuk said- I've also recently read that Josephus' refrences to Jesus are forgeries, so outside the bible there really is no support for Jesus.
Yeah, the Xians over the centuries have had NO problem lying in the name of God and forging documents to support theological claims: eg, the book of 2nd Peter is commonly accepted as the last book to be canonized, appearing some TWO centuries AFTER Apostle Peter was said to be martyred. Not surprisingly, it also contains elements that just coincidentally support the then-blossoming Xian theology to fix some "problems" found in Genesis!
I've written about it in the following blog articles, explaining how Noah didn't preach a message of salvation, but condemnation, and an article on Lot being saved due to nepotism, and not his personal righteousness.
Of course, the religion of the JWs are one product of the concepts found in 2nd Peter, since their preaching work is based on the fallacy of Noah offering the evil persons an opportunity to repent and be saved (with the Flood serving as a prototype for Armageddon), where the story of Lot in Genesis needed "fixing" to remove the evidence pointing to Lot being saved from Sodom's destruction due to the righteousness of his uncle.
Chrisuk said- I almost fell off my chair when I read how many mythological Gods had led the same life, death and resurection as Jesus, only thousands of years before Jesus.
Yeah, there's plenty of evidence out there, and the influences are unmistakable. Unfortunately, there's also a few profiteers out there who are willing to profit from the controversy, so maintain a jaundiced eye to discern those who make some outlandish claims (eg Zeitgeist, the guy a few months ago who claimed Jesus was entirely a myth of the Romans, etc), since people tend to throw out the baby with the bathwater when non-scholars get into the fray.