Unless Maths is God???
I think Im an Atheist :(? :)?
by chrisuk 78 Replies latest jw friends
Seraphim: ..unless god is a strawberry?
Well the human brain is apparently forces describable in mathematics?
Seraphim: yes ofcourse we are. Firstly by evolution, many animals have a rudimentary understanding of numerical concepts too, and secondly by experience.
think how a human would need to act if he firmly believed 1 plus 3 equals 6. Whenever he had four apples, he would insist he had 6, then 8 and so on.
No disagreement there. It is all describable through mathematics. However these things are not mathematics themselves so what is the link between them?
I have decided that I am not "cool" enough to be an atheist. The ones that have published books that I have read and the ones that I have talked with really intimidate me. My only comment is "take a chill pill man." I got my own stinkin problems to have to worry about the beginning of the world.
Your opening post has some excellent points. I wanted to add that even if there turned out to be a "creator," there is no evidence that it would be the God of the Bible. Deists tend to believe that a creator started us out and left us on our own. While I don't believe that has been proven either, at least it would make more sense than a loving, caring God allowing so many children to be killed in disasters.
I's not so much an either/or problem, as I see it. Am I really an atheist or an anti-christ if if I don't trust the religionists who have shape-shifted old scriptures and conjured kooky doctrines?
I have, in spite of a lot of troubles in life, a regard for wonder, goodness, kindness and love. Is it a blind chance that the name of Jesus was swapped around? Maybe. But in the crazy world I know, it is just as reasonable that this Jesus(yes, it is a common name) had some good insights and some ambitious men (screw the women) rode in on his coattails, made him into a religion instead of a teacher.
What if I don't give a rat's @$$ about the trinity, the 144,000, the virgin birth, transubstantiation, filioque OR the every thing the bible says of Jesus. If I have an abiding sense that he was clued in to the deepest sense of the wonder, goodness, kindness and love that keeps me afloat, I am not ashamed of it.
Words fail me as-they do all of us- if I try to talk of the divine. There. words have just failed me again.
I have been told that I am not a Christian.
My only statement of faith may be truly atheistic: God is love.
So I want to say: Don't worry about the word atheism. Who knows what it means?
And don't be afraid.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I'll answer some of the questions later on, specialy the ones about my sources. I'm busy working at the moment so I'll post back later.