IS there anything one moment or experience that still haunts you?

by confusedandalone 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedandalone

    " I need to put flowers round my sentences lol! "

    ROFL I am thinking that may be a good move for me as well.

  • clarity

    " Someone posted on one of my threads time heals,

    it takes roughly a month recovery for each year you

    are in for the pain to lessen."


    I think this is a pretty good estimate of how long the

    catharsis will take. It really does seem to be a purge,

    that rids the mind & the body of the watchtower programming!


    Fifty years for me ...although 30 of it was a struggle of,

    try for awhile & stop ...then try HARDER ...& H A R D E R ...

    then I got it!!!! LOL


    So 48 months :-) ...ya I'd say I am about DONE! COOKED! hahahha


    So if don't show up here one day will know why!



  • gma-tired2

    She left because her parents always took 2 vacations every summer plus the DC. My son and his wife were only married 2 1/2 months and he explained they could attend the DC and one weekend on one of their vacations. She went balistic on him and they started arguing. She left that day and never returned. She and her mother cooked up lies because she didn't want to be married. Arguing was changed to domestic abuse rven though they had two witnesses to the arguement. this was when it became clear that her dad a former Elders word was taken over our families even though no one had ever been before a JC. I even had CO lie directly to me. This mess went on for over 4 years until my son accicdently ran into someone from her circuit who let it out that she had two children and had been df'd. My son remained faithful for 7 years but finally decided to go out and have a life. He was tired of so many JWs lying to him and about him.

  • confusedandalone

    gma... O.....M......G...... all of this started over a vacation and DC??? He is better off though!

    " Arguing was changed to domestic abuse rven though they had two witnesses to the arguement. her dad a former Elders word was taken over our families even though no one had ever been before a JC. " - THis particular aspect upsets me sooo much. It seems in the org the easiest way to totally win everyone to your side as a sister is to pull this trick. I experienced something very similar after leaving bethel and it still burns me to this day.

    I wpould love to post the story but it may come across as raunchy ROFL. Are we allowed to post experiences involving sexual immorality and the details of said cases?

  • KateWild

    Are we allowed to post experiences involving sexual immorality and the details of said cases?-CAA

    There is an adult/heated debate section yes you can. Kate xx

  • confusedandalone

    I need to get writing, I have to unload this fun story

  • rebel8

    Yes, some pretty gory stuff. Once in a while, I have a day like you had, and it overwhelms me with sadness. My childhood was stolen from me, and so was my happiness for many years.

    Most of the time, I don't think about this stuff, and it doesn't affect me too much these days.

    This too shall pass.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I was always blunt, but knowing what I know now, there are certain people I would tell are self-righteous pharisaic twats rather than just 'turning the other cheek.' Most JWs I knew were pretty decent though. There were a couple I actually did get shirty with, and knowing what I know now, I would have gone from shirty to giving a right ticking off.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    You can pretty much post any account you like but just avoid using real names and photos to be sensible about it.

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