Please don't take the mick....but I got disfellowshipped for kneeing an elder in the nads

by outinthemeadows 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • outinthemeadows

    An elder in my congregation got on my nerves because he kept putting his arm around me and I'd asked him to stop. A few weeks later he did the same thing again so I used my knee against his micro-penis. A judicial committee was formed even though I was being sexually harrassed by this octapus of an elder. I told the elders that I would do more next time if he came anywhere near me with his overactive hands...the big pussy.

    I know you're thinking I'm making this up but its the truth (no pun on the truth). Elders stick together no matter what weird and disrespectful things they do.....

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Whoa that's heavy. Talk about abuse of power. What do your family think? Do they shun you?

  • freddo

    Did you appeal? If you didn't then you really "Knee"-ded to ....

  • Hortensia

    I like you. Creepy asshole deserved to be kneed, he didn't listen to you when you told him to stop touching you.

  • cofty

    Good for you! He was given fair warning.

  • jgnat

    You could sue the touchy-feely elder and his buddies who decided to call a judicial committee on this matter. Don't name the WTBTS in the suit. Only the elders who were personally involved in this fiasco. Let's see if "mother" will help defend them.

    You don't have to sue for a lot, just enough for the whole bunch of them to think twice about harrassing a sister again. Hopefully it will also force the elders to take out clergy insurance.

    Get some legal advice and see where it goes.

  • sir82

    What was the official "scriptural" (sic) reason they gave you?

    "Kneed 'im in the 'nads" is not in the elders' manual......

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Take jgnat's advise and run with it. At least get a consultation.

    What a POS group of elders.

  • tec

    So you got df'd for a knee-jerk reaction? (pun absolutely intended)

    In seriousness, I am sorry for the double wrong done to you. I would call them on it... make it known to the congregation if they ignore you (as Christ does say to bring your wrong to the person, then to a couple of elders, then to the entire congregation), file an appeal, or write to higher-ups, or even what Jgnat suggested.



  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Fits of anger, violence

    I know someone who was df'ed for punching out a fellow elder in the parking lot. The dude deserved it but the puncher wasn't sorry and got df'ed.

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