Please don't take the mick....but I got disfellowshipped for kneeing an elder in the nads

by outinthemeadows 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    oh and outinthemeadows, good for you sticking up for yourself. I'll bet he thinks twice before doing that again!

  • Finkelstein

    It all depends how much and where the arm was placed.

    If he placed his arm on the top of your shoulder that not might be perceived as groping.

    If he wrapped his arm around your waste getting close to your breasts that probably will.

    Let it clear that I've seen elders exploit their position in the congregation to take liberties

    with sisters. Even seen it happen to my own sister on a couple of occasions,

    by elders that were married who wifes were perhaps in the another room at the time too.

    Nice job with this guy if he did grope you inappropriately.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The problem with suing is the court fees. I always assumed they would be nominal for a small matter. It depends on the jurisdiction and type of court. I was shocked when I investigated the matter. When I had a small claims matter years ago, the fee was minimal. Consumers took dry cleaners and other merchants to task for minor matters. Now I must learn to walk away when I feel like fighting. Suing someone should be the last alternative. I assume an elder would show up with many witnesses that you were the aggressor. It is clear that courts don't want to become involved in these every day disputes where I lived. Before you threaten someone, google the court costs.

    I would prepare a detailed memo for my own records detailing the history of interactions with the elder. Maybe the elder will claim damages. Physical altercations are not wise. Even if it feel so good....

  • jgnat

    Ah, well, BOTR. I thought it might work. Especially if the amount asked for was small. Surely harrassment should not be tolerated in this day and age.

  • Oubliette

    You could file an assault charge with the local police. They might be reluctant because of the time passed.

  • SadElder

    Did you call the police and give a statement about your fears of sexual harassment?

  • steve2

    Sounds like you are trying to justify your interpersonal violence. You may have a case - but based on your account, I'd be saying you need a heap of luck on your side.

    Looks like your feelings against this man were brewing for some time.

    If he was acting in a creepy, sexually-suggestive way, I can understand your self-protective violence; it kind of makes sense.

    If he was trying to be more interpersonally close (and failing to notice or ignoring your discomfort), your violence still apears over the top and he could have grounds for suing you.

    You'll know you potentially you could have caused him significant physical injury - but I get the impression you're kind of proud of what you did.

    If you are an American, I can get some greater understanding of your litigious mindset - otherwise I am baffled by what it is you hope to achieve. Your comment about the size of his genitalia is gratuitous but it may fit with the effect you are trying to achieve (i.e., dehumanize your victim).

  • AlphaMan

    You are awesome.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    We know almost no details. Everyone here is so antiWT that we automatically assume that every time some posts the poster is telling the truth. No background was given. I don't even know if the poster were male or female. It would be nice to hear a story and then conclude that the right thing was done.

  • caliber

    It all depends how much and where the arm was placed.

    If he placed his arm on the top of your shoulder that not might be perceived as groping.

    I think grabbing his hand off of you and twisting his fingers, would have sent the message that his hand was where it was not

    desired to be and would have not be seen as a separate assault. (more like you accidently twisted his thumb while

    spinning it back to his side )

    I have heard of waitresses " accidently " spilling coffee on guys that got too handy

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