Why does Organic Chemistry prove God's exists?

by KateWild 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty

    kate - when you use the word "theory" do you do so in the strict scientific sense, or the popular definition?

  • KateWild

    besty what is string theory? I will let you work out what I mean by theory. Kate xx

  • Jeffro


    I think of God and strike up dialogue with him. Albeit shouting, still a dialogue.

    Nope. That isn't dialogue. If you're hearing a response when you're talking (or shouting) to God, see a doctor.

  • KateWild

    hahahaha, I said I strike up dialogue, I did not say there was two way conversing. I am not an atheist as you quite rightly pointed out, atheists don't get angry with God and I do. I like you Jeffro, you are cool Love Kate xx

  • Jeffro


    The example is real. It is comaparable in the sense that we can predict things without all the data. If there is a risk of harm or danger we asses the risk and make our own predictions. We decide what is or isn't probable. We don't all agree.

    Your other example is not at all comparable. 'Carbon is complex' is a subjective assertion, not data that can be used for calculating the probability of a supernatural 'creator'. Apart from that, 'predicting' based on limited or no data is called guessing. You might suppose or conclude that there is a 'creator' based on your opinions, but that has no bearing on any probability.

    Organic chemistry is one way I enquire about theological theories, science without religion is lame. You don't get the full picture if they aren't combined. In turn religion without science is blind, you get uneducated churgoers who worship God with no idea about the scientific facts. This is dangerous.

    Statements like "science without religion is lame" and "religion with science is blind" are rhetorical throwaway sound-bites. Scientists have accomplished a great deal for humanity without needing to defer to religion. Religious superstitions have often been an impediment to the growth of knowledge.

  • Jeffro


    hahahaha, I said I strike up dialogue, I did not say there was two way conversing.

    You might want to look up the word dialogue.

  • Bart Belteshassur
    Bart Belteshassur

    Was it a 5 minute or a 10 minute dialogue????? How much did he charge?

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    It doesn't prove anything. You can't prove nothing. I can't prove nothing. We are not in Kansas any more toto.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    In this house we will follow the lord.

  • glenster

    See "How to Think About God," Mortimer Adler. Intelligent design doesn't prove
    there's a God but the cosmos can be part of a philosophy of the compelling
    possibility of a God to hope for or not.

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