Experiences: CAA needs to emotionally vomit... catharsis... release ... etc.

by confusedandalone 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • problemaddict

    Is this your brother the now trying to be a CO brother?

    Thanks for sharing man. Good to get stuff off your chest. i hope to tell some stories soon enough, depending on how the next few months go.

    As a young man, pioneering, and all that, I was a bit "in demand" in my area of California. It was amazing how many sisters just threw their clothes off.....and then kept right on doing it. Ating like we are better than everyone else and that there is a moral highground, is just nuts.

  • valkyrie

    CAA - it sounds as thought he'd be better served by a switch to some form of "prosperity gospel".

  • KiddingMe

    I am not finish reading this threat yet but have to chime in.

    C & A - you and Mrs C & A need to call Sister Slutface (I love you KateWild!!) and give her a big THANK YOU!! Thank her for being the sneaky conniving deceitful person that she was. If it wasn't for her you both may not be together and have your wonderful children. Thank her for helping to create this experience because the way it was unjustly handled may have unknowingly started you on the road to being open to learning TTATT. It's things like this that don't settle well in the back of our mind even after many years have past.

    Oh and LOL at how you "magically" appeared at her job! To funny. The things we do when we are young and in love.

  • valkyrie

    The things we do when we are young and in love emotionally manipulated.

  • jgnat

    My brother is a legend in his own mind, too. He's managed to alienate his entire family and doles out all his affection in the son he considers most likely to take his tarnished crown.

  • Finkelstein

    I remember the wholesome and righteous sisters in the Hall who enticed the sexual advances by men (brothers)

    only to look all innocent and pure at the KH.

    Many of course did get way with their behavior and some did eventually admit to their behavior to elders.

    This one sister I met through JWS friends was probably the horniest woman I ever met, she was banging a lot of Bros.

    including myself unexpectedly one evening with a little help of alcohol.

    She played the role as such if you tell we'll both be dragged down the gutter, I think it worked for many she did entice.

    Thinking retrospective if she ever were brought before a JC, she would have no doubt blamed the whole event onto the guy.

    She was just that kind of girl. Jesus redeems all sins, at least thats what some people think.

  • confusedandalone

    problemaddict - He has been trying to be a substitute CO forever. He has a child... He was a bethelite missionary and then boom his wife pregnant so now he is back home. He is on RBC/HLC/ and every district copnvention and in charge of cleaning at Districts... doing too much for nothing. I look forward to your stories as well.

    KiddingMe - If it wasn't for her you both may not be together and have your wonderful children. Everyday I am grateful. That woman did open my mind up to a number of issues with this org. I do hope that now she is beyond this.

    jgnat - My brother is EXAAAAAAAAAAAAACTLY the same. His young daughter of 9 is supposed to be baptized next assembly. All the while she spends her time talking about the cute boys in school to my daughter... we know where that train is going to stop lol.

    Finkelstein - " including myself unexpectedly one evening with a little help of alcohol." ROFL I love when people tell on themselves lol

  • wisdomfrombelow

    I was destroyed inside. I knew I had to confess. So I went to see her the next day and told her we had to tell the brothers. I called my favorite elder from her house and told him.

    I guess I'm the only one who looks at your story and sees you as the villian. Well, perhaps that is too strong a word but i read your own words and frankly I feel no pity for any of the suffering you got because of how you went about things. I see 5 times in that passage you state "I" and only one time it was "we" and it was basically only to tell her what you were going to do.

    You decided for her, when you felt ready. You didn't ask her or give her any warning. While you were still at the house you decided to make the call. You could have said "I feel real bad about my actions and I want to confess to the elders next week". You trapped her and threw her under the bus just because you felt like YOU needed a change. You didn't just walk away and say "i need to stop". You didn't tell her "i want to confess so I'll not involve you and the co-conspiritant will be nameless". You didn't even say "i will go home and call"...you did it right there in her house.

    If you did that to me I would feel that you would deserve any pain the elders and congregation heaped upon you. You didn't feel like telling your brother the elder about it so you weren't ready to face him. Did you ever think she might not want to face the consequences also?

    I'm glad you didn't marry her but to make her seem like some kind of evil person because she is probably really bitter about you getting her in trouble. You never know the effect of your actions on someone else.

    Now I'll get off my high horse because I have no right to judge anyone. I just commented that I can see her point of view and how you really screwed her even if you didn't screw her.

  • confusedandalone

    wisdomfrombelow - "I guess I'm the only one who looks at your story and sees you as the villian... Now I'll get off my high horse because I have no right to judge anyone. I just commented that I can see her point of view and how you really screwed her even if you didn't screw her."

    I can truly respect your opinion... I can. I am not trying to be a shithead or anything but I like to hear it from another perspective. Maybe it will help me continue to grow seeing things from various angle. The reason I felt that day I had to come forward was because I felt an enormous amount of guilt for what was going on. I told her I was going to come forward because I felt I just had too in order to remain sane. Maybe I could have said I should wait till she was ready... never thought about it. I am going to though. I never told my elder brother though because he was a complete asshole. He spent his entire life trying to pull me down so I would never confide anything in him because he was not really family to me.

    I do thank you though for your outlook on it

  • Comatose

    The last two posts are great examples of how to exchange differences productively.

    CandA I get how you felt. I've felt that way before. The guilt you are straddled with outweighs Everything.

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