Drummer Lee Rigby, UK

by quellycatface 20 Replies latest social current

  • bohm

    The west did bad things in the middle east in the 20th century. wah wah wah. Cry me a frikkin' river.

    Germans perpetrated some of the worst crimes done to humanity in europe only 60 years ago. If I got the brilliant idea to harbour ill will towards germans because of that, everybody would recognize I belonged to an asylum.

    I am halfway through the Quran and every chapter make my heart sink; it is nothing but the self-serving delusional ravings of a madman. In terms of evil and nastyness it stand head and shoulders above christianity. It is the litterary crack-baby of the OT and Mein Kampf.

    No wonder it is so easily turned into a death cult.

  • cofty

    FTS - Christianity once had an army and behaved like tyrants. It has grown up since then. Islam is still waiting for its Martin Luther.

    It must not be allowed 1 inch of influence in British society.

  • Phizzy

    "It must not be allowed 1 inch of influence in British society."

    The problem is, that via Terror tactics it already has tremendous influence.

    It has stopped our free speech, just one example, the pulling of Tom Holland's Channel 4 Documentary on Islam and the Koran's history, based on his excellent latest book. Because threats were made via Twitter etc the programme, although having been shown on one occasion, was later pulled.

    Islamists will drag us back in time, and down to their level if something is not done.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    I wonder if this has anything to do with Islam at all - the whole thing looks like a false flag to me tbh

  • fulltimestudent


    The west did bad things in the middle east in the 20th century. wah wah wah.

    How do you treat a comment like that, bohm?

    Can I change it slightly?

    The muslims did bad things in NY - wah wah wah.

    I guess that'll bring a storm of comment on my head.



    FTS - Christianity once had an army and behaved like tyrants. It has grown up since then.

    Has Christianity grown up? Wasn't it a British 'Christian' army that took control of Iraq after WWI? Wasn't it that nice Christian gentleman, Winston Churchill, who for the first time in history, ordered the bombing of civilians in Iraq, during the period that the Brits took control of Iraq?

    Wasn't it nice Christian gentleman from the USA, that saw the potential of a young Iraqi named Saddam Hussein and helped him become dictator of Iraq, and then sued him to fight a proxy war with those wicked islamists in Iran?

    When Saddam outgrew his usefulness they hung him.

    Was'nt it a nice Christian gentleman named G.W. Bush who sanctioned Iran and caused the death of lots of little baby muslims? Wasn't it the same Christian gentleman who started the war with Iraq smashing the bodies of Muslim kids (collateral damage they call it- lovely name, sounds better than murder) splashing it all over world TV, just to demonstrate how much power his American empire had? His subsequent war and occupation of Iraq has directly or indirectly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousand of Muslim people.

    But they are not supposed to ever feel angry, because its good Christian people that are doing it to them

    Islam is still waiting for its Martin Luther.

    It must not be allowed 1 inch of influence in British society.

    Well, I suggest it can be argued that Islam morphed from what Muhammid envisioned into something as reasonable as say Byzantine (Christian) society. Certainly Islamic scholars were the means of preserving Hellenic thought, at a time that Europe degenerated into savagery, and the Byzantium empire was controlled by rigid Christians (mostly, anyway). But under continued attack from the west, Islam gradually deteriorated into a more radical version. So I do not think that there will be an Islamic version of Martin Luther. Anyway, wasn't Martin a bit to the right of the JWs?

    As to restricting Muslim influence in Britain (or, Australia for that matter). I repeat, how do you see it can be stopped?

    In both our countries, people like you and me, convert to Islam. A process not too different from you and me converting to JWism.

    Muslim influence is going to grow throughout the west.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't believe that an entire religion is so ignorant and bad. There are normal Moslems. In fact, I roomed with a Moslem family in the hospital. I have no quarrel with Moslems. Blanket statements are not wise. It seems to me that there is enough ignorance and criminality on both sides of the dispute. I hear the calls to prayer daily. My quarrel is with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, hardly every Moslem.

    Jews could say the same about Christians or Christian descendents. No group is innocent.

  • bohm

    Fulltimestudent: okay so it is okay if i hold ill will towards germans living today for what happened 60 years ago according to you?

    oh, and classy job with the 9 11 reference. . I dont know what point you are making, but im sure there is some important moral consideration you ought to tell rigbys grieving fiance about, like, these men were upset about something, possibly much she was upset about 9 11, and they just choose to do something about it.

  • cofty

    FTS - Islamic states are basket cases. Oppressive, backward and mysogynisitic.

    Western liberal democracy works better. Not perfectly, but better by a long way. Anybody who doubts that should try living in a non-secular Muslim country. Don't forget to take your wife and daughters and get their opinions. Making women live in a black bag and throwing acid in their face for wanting an education is a strategy that is doomed to fail eventaully from its own stupidity.

    Islam hates the west for ideological reasons. Let's not forget 9/11 came before the first Iraq war.

    Conversion to Islam is not a big issue.

    No compromise on Shariah law, stop enforced marriage, make infant circumcision illegal (yes too bad for Jewish superstition as well) , enforce very strict controls on religiously run schools, monitor preaching at the temples.

    Muslims should be allowed freedom of worship like christians but only to the extent it doesn't use religious freedom to oppress others.

    Young Muslims will either become radical or they will be enticed by McDonalds and Prada.

  • bohm


    Can I change it slightly?

    The muslims did bad things in NY - wah wah wah.

    i just had a think! I distinctly recall thinking shortly after 9 11 it might be a good idea to cut the head off a random serviceman in the afghan forces. Thinking about it now, i suppose its not too late -- after all, you seem to agree there is not much of an expiration date on these things.

  • cofty

    I hear the calls to prayer daily. My quarrel is with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, hardly every Moslem. - BOTR

    Please watch what "ordinary Muslims" say about that distinction and reconsider..


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