To end this video with a sweet ending, you should have told the idiot that he was speaking to a disfellowshipped person. Just to hear him hang up which he would have done would have been the true answer as to what they really do to df'd ones. Oh, and then call him back and remind him that he shouldn't be talking to you about spiritual things, then ask him how his day is going. What a snake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really got me at the end, though and so sorry for you and your family and what your going through "spiritually".
Kim's call to HQ's...
by Newly Enlightened 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Newly Enlightened
Or wished him a MERRY CHRISTMAS....someone has just revealed who the brother I spoke to this morning was....
Newly Enlightened
Label licker: Thank you. I was ok, until this moron started telling me that B.S. I'm sure everyone on here knows, that it was a blantant lie and has family members shunning them.
And WT wonders why people don't take JWs or their religion seriously. Members representing WT in an official capacity don't even take their own beliefs seriously enough to know what they are or what's in WT artcles they just studied as a congregation.
So, if these doctrines and policies come from god, as WT claims, why is WT too embarassed to stand behind them when questioned?
And why does WT lie about "The Truth"?
Newly Enlightened,
I am pretty good with voices and I can say with 99.9% confidence that you spoke to same man each time. That tells you what a liar he is. He knew exactly who you were when you called the second time, yet he feigns ignorance. He lies and says that the term "mentally diseased" is never used, then he tries to deflect it when caught. He even tries to get you to say how reasonable it is! Then he basically tells you, " It's in the Bible. Sorry you cannot deal with it." What a pompous ass.
I hope this drives the point home for any lurkers out there. You cannot trust Elders, no matter what they may say, no matter how nice they appear! They will lie to you! COME ON!! THis guy works at HQ!! Wake up!! They will lie to your face and contradict themselves and the WT's own literature without blinking an eye. If you plan on speaking to them for any reason, you MUST know this going in. Seriously, do not deceive yourself into thinking that you can trust them at all, its always a trap. Never think anything differently or you will be sorry.
Remember that they are supposed to be the "stars" of Revelation. LOL!!!
Kim ...helluva note when you have to s l o w l y direct
THE LEADERS to a WT that was just studied in every
congregation all over the world!!!! OMG for sure!
Then you had to give them the scripture & w a i t till
they could figure out just what they were teaching 7
million dubs!
Lies, deflection, stalling... everything but truth & straight
Thanks for doing that.
life is to short
Mentally diseased, from their "official" web site.