Direct the public to the, it is alot cheaper than giving them literature.
Kingdom Ministry Feb 2014 has a couple interesting statements
by RayPublisher 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cult classic
It doesn't matter what the motive is for not displaying the bibles. I thought Jesus said something about not hiding your light under a basket, but rather display it on top for all to see?
But, JWs aren't christians, are they?
Man, I want to SWEAR so badly!!!
Once upon a time we tried so hard to learn ourselves and others to use the B I B L E every time on field service. The more you depended on the Bible in field, the better evangelizer you were.
I can't believe that "" mostrosity now! "Publisize the as much as you can"??? "Don't use the Bible in pubic ministry"??? WHAT?!?!
Who consientious witness can go now preaching like a bloody web page advertiser?
Not that the old way of preaching was perfect, but this is plain mockery. Mockery on all those you studied the friggin BIBLE, who used the bloody BIBLE on every step, and now they are being degraded to web page delivery boys.
The only good thing is, the degredation of the field service will be so dramatic, that it will sure wake many dubs up. And it sure won't have the same results that the emotional, personal way of Bible-based preaching had "in the old times".
Ray, great catch!
Why not put the cheap paperback bibles on display for free ?
Island Man
I think I see what they're doing. To cut costs, they're slowly phasing out the practice of mass producing literature for the public. The focus on is to get the public's and JW's attention to the internet - to get them used to the idea of going there for Watchtower information. Eventually the org can, in a few years, stop mass producing literature, under the guise of them modernising given that most people get info online as opposed to reading books. They would only produce bible study aids for the sole purpose of studying the bible and the ministry would focus on starting bible studies without any of the current practice of just placing magazines or books. Good bye, 'Offer for the month'! The only thing they'll still place are those new, cheaply designed tracts. Placing heavy literature would be replaced with directing people to the web site - maybe they will start leaving a little business card with the name and address of the kingdom hall, the times of the meetings and the website address. The days of placing magazines and books as an offer without a bible study attached, are numbered.
Dubs will be printing everything from home pretty soon. You will be allowed to count time printing and folding your tractazines. Of course, you have to by all the paper, ink and the printer..and pay for the internet, and still buy gas for your car,..oh, and contribute money.
There are loads of evangelical groups handing out free New Testaments.
cult classic
That was my thought jgnat.
Just more tightfistedness by the WTBS. They just refuse to be generous in any useful way.
I remember when they were claiming that was the only safe web site--their own. Now it is They wish to scare people out of doing a Google or Yahoo search on the religion--which is why they shortened the url.
What usually happens when you get someone online to your site is, if they have any smarts, is that they are going to research the other side. I did that with quite a few things--since I got my computer, I have been able to do that with infomercial products, nutritional products, alternative medicine, silver investment, and the pros and cons of owning decent batteries, chargers, LED light bulbs instead of compact fluorescent or incandescent, and different religious paradigms. I generally check a product, then check the same product "dangers", "scams", or " problems" online in my search. That way I get both sides, instead of making a decision with inadequate information. People that do that with the jokehovians before joining are pretty much going to realize that the smarts are against the religion.
The other problem is running into people without computers. Where I live (common in cities), I have territory that is both relatively rich and quite poor. The poor section consists of people that have very little. I have seen places with more than 5 children living in a 3 bedroom house or apartment, with relatively limited means of living and next to no luxury--back in the mid 1990s. Most would never be able to afford the cost of a computer, plus the Internet bill (they are struggling with their phone bill as it is). If they didn't have cable back in the 1990s because of cost, they probably lack cell phone (or smart phone) and Internet. Broadband on a home computer costs me around 55 toilet papers a month, and on a smart phone it is worse (plus you get data limits).
Problem: What happens if you run into someone with very little means and no computer? Can you use a web site to preach to such people?