What Am I thinking?????

by butalbee 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LyinEyes

    Hey Bee, God there must be something in the air .... I too have a brief moment of the same questioning last nite. I know the facts , I know it ..... but something inside me , every once in awhile will creep into my heart and make me wonder what if they might be right?
    Notice I think it is 100% emotional ,, not really thinking with my head but my heart. Which is very dangerous !!!! I wonder if most men who have left feel this way ever. Seems the men dont have as much trouble with questioning their choice of leaving. But there are some excellent post here and they have helped me too. I like the comparision , Yerasylim(SP), made about going back for " just one more drink". I never thought how destructive that kind of behavoir could be. I have heard it compared to an abused wife, going back to the man who beat her , over and over again. I think it is part of the brainwashing the WT has done to us, hopefully in time , if we stay strong, stay away from the fire, we will work the brainwashing right out of our heads. Good luck , Bee, just wanted you to know , I too feel the same way sometimes.

  • petespal2002

    Just have a little tiny question to Reborn---- Could you tell me some of the man-made beliefs and teachings above and beyond the Bible? I have never come across this, only in misconceptions. Eg, many Jw's have beards, drink what they want, have every sort of heterosexual sex imaginable, where any color shirt, play chess, rely on dyalisis machines etc. etc.
    I only want to know the truth, not personal ideas.

  • Xander

    Buddy, there is a link on the bottom of every single page on this board (in fact, on the bottom of this page as I type, from whence I pilferred it):


    Read through it and tell me they have the truth. Damned IN THEIR OWN WORDS, no less.

    Sorry, but even if you DO believe the bible, their version of it is a crock of sh*t. And I'm not saying the bible is right to begin with (in fact, it's not, but that's another story).


    What if?

    Stupid reason to go back to the jdubs. What if they are right? Well, then by not being one of them you just sleep forever. Oh, damn.

    If you're going to 'what if' it, why not pick someone like the baptists? I mean, crap, if THEY'RE right and you don't join them, YOU BURN IN HELL FOREVER.

    They make a more compelling 'what if' argument if you really need one.

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • Reborn2002


    You are obviously misinformed.

    You are viewed as "spiritually weak" by the entire JW community if you are a "brother" and have any facial hair beyond a mustache.

    To suffice your inquiry, I ask that you go to your local KH or Circuit/District Convention, and tell me if any of the brothers which give talks or parts have a beard. Look in the JW magazines and yearbooks.. do you see any pictures of current JW depicted with a goatee or beard? Never. In fact, look in the 2001 Yearbook.. you will see pictures of JW from various countries.. not one brother with a beard.

    It is a well known fact among those who have spent time in the JW religion that many "unwritten" laws exist.

    - Regarding your other topics such as "drinking what they want".. there is no JW law against alcohol.. only being a drunkard.. which in fact I agree with. (Imagine that, I agree with a JW concept)

    - "Wearing any color shirt they want".. this is a bit extreme, but in many congregations you can be counseled by the local elders for something as trivial as an opinion on acceptable fashion. There are posts on this board as testament to that.

    - "Having any type of sex they want" ?? The JW have wavered back and forth on that topic. I will provide articles to prove Oral Sex has been outlawed before, I suggest you read this and do your research, then perhaps you will understand.

    Go to:


    - According to their current doctrine, dialysis machines are a matter of conscience.

    - "Chess" depends on where you are located and the local congregation. I am a chess fan, but was "counseled" by my local elders for "playing a game which promoted war strategy"

    Learn the facts, I do not say these as a matter of personal opinion. I was in the JW for 20 years, these are FACTS

    Any other experiences from former JW members to back me up here?

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • beckyboop

    Reborn, I'm new here but I'll definitely back you up on this. I was born in and stayed til 30, I'm now 34. They counseled me about bringing the movie "Room with a View" to a party that had some young teenage girls. For those who haven't seen the movie, it had naked men in it and it showed, HORRORS! a penis! My best friend was counseled and removed as a pioneer for skinny dipping. If I think long enough, I'll come up with more.

  • beckyboop

    Butalbee, I hope you can find the courage to stand up to your doubts and "what ifs". Please remember that you have been taught they have the answers for XX amount of years (I don't know your situation). The hardest part of leaving is realizing THEY don't have the answers--YOU do. It is your brain to do with as you like, and I hope you fill it with knowledge from all sources, not just the jw stuff. I'm sure if you've spent any time on here at all you will see the amount of research that many people have already done. I believe that each time you read something else, it kicks out the untruth you were taught before. In my case, I have to read things very slowly, so I don't feel like my whole world is tipping! Anyway, my 2 cents worth, and I'm always here if you need a friend!

  • butalbee

    Thanks for everybody's discouragement!!! But I can't shake this feeling. I think why I am drawn to them is cuz I see that they have this massive support group inside the congreg. and if life throws ya some horrible curve ball, they come to your defense. I still haven't let anyone in the real world know about these feelings of mine, but I do have sunday off and I was thinking about going to the meeting. I don't know, there's just things happening in my life right now, that I really don't want to explain on the internet, and I'm not doing very well w/ handling it all. And this time, if I do start studying again/going to meetings, it won't have anything to do w/ some guy, it will be for me.

    Bea--I can't believe you really think that low of me? And yeah, I know ya said maybe.......I didn't post this to get a ton of replies, I could really give a rat's ass if anyone even replied, I'm just way confused, and I thought I would come here for help.........You comment really cut to the bone.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Butalbee -

    I don't mean to offend, but I suspect your SHAG-O-METER is on "E".

    - Nathan Natas, Doctor Evil Class

  • VeniceIT


    What is going on with you people!!!!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I aint even read his post and I dont know what he wrote...
    but REBORN is RIGHT!
    Sheesshh. I aint gonna disagree with THAT guy again!

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