They want to have their cake and eat it to. They want the benefits of those who got a higher education by recruting them them to slave labor service where they can turn a profit, but they don't want the rank and file to get a higher education as this will cause a membership drop.
They are Definitely Attacking "Higher Education"
by XBEHERE 129 Replies latest jw friends
Gypsy Sam
Wokeup, great comment!
I am thankful my daughter is in the process of choosing colleges to apply to. My immediate family hasn't made any negative comments. They are all JW and my parents are struggling financially in a huge way As of the last couple years. They are quite young and don't seem to have any plan to deal with living another 20-30 years.
twice shy
It's not the college education that makes them leave. It's learning that they've been lied to their whole lives. The internet will do more damage than a college education will in the long run.
Once they've stepped back and start paying attention. It's half way over and if they ever search for a KM online; it'll just be a matter of time before it's all over with.
(speaking to myself) If only they would of given me my KM. If only someone would of been so kind as to give me a copy. I never would of had to go online to get a KM so that I could be prepared for the meeting. If only.
I must thank the site that supplied me with my spiritual food in a nick of time. Thanks
Really interesting thread when you consider the recent attacks via JW Broadcasting. -
label licker
Cappytan. in our last hall of Elmira, the coordinator told the one ms to keep his education quiet while getting his millwright certificate. It took him four years to get it. Then, they used him as one of my accusers to lie and his accusation was against my husband, not me. Two months later he was made an elder at twenty-six years of age. He had just been reinstated three years earlier. If they like you and you will lick their labels for a label then your on their good side. We witnessed it!
I don't understand that when the co comes to town why he doesn't ask the elders what they do for a living and then ask why our young elder, Tom was able to be a millwright, ms and elder within four years total and all at the same time.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
the recent attacks via JW Broadcasting
I don't know how this is working out in my mom's head. She somehow must think that education was bad because I stopped attending meetings at the same time I moved away to university. Yet, after I moved away, I became much less depressed. When I last visited, mom ventured, "So, next week it's another $XXX."
With a rather surprised look, I replied, "Oh no, I get paid twice that much!"
Mom: "Oh, you get paid every other week."
Me: "No. I get paid weekly $X,XXX, and take home about $XXX after deductions. It was more this last week since I had overtime with traveling."
Mom: "And how much are your student loan payments?"
Me: "$XXX. So one weeks pay just about covers my rent and my student loan payments for the month."
Mom: "Looks like you'll be able to pay back a lot of that student loan debt this year."
Me: "And I've started saving for retirement, both 401k and Roth."
Of course, I said it all with a big cheesy grin. Why hide the fact that I'm now happier than I've ever been? ... And it's all thinks to "higher education".
Why hide the fact that I'm now happier than I've ever been? ... And it's all thinks to "higher education".
The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!
Sofia Lose
I am pleasantly surprised at how in the Spanish congs here in the USA the JWs are sending/encouraging their kids to further their education. At least in my cong, this 'no higher education' propaganda I'd falling on deaf ears.
Probably because we immigrants risked all to come here and provide a better future for our children.
Easy for them, living large and most comfortably, to spew nonsense about obtaining a worthy education.
The WTS and its leaders have always focused upon their own inherent reconfirmation of their own self purposed identity as being god's select chosen messengers. So from that agenda they have used tactics of coercion to have the public read their publications and to further have those allured to people proliferate that literature themselves..
In realization that there is information that breaks down their own professed teachings, its no wonder they want to demean that higher education or any outside information that is not taught from themselves. .
The recent proclamation made by GB member G Locsh that pursing higher education is in-like to putting a gun to your temple and playing Russian Roulette, is indicative to the WTS demeaning the worth and value to higher education.
More like when a witness goes to college, the GB feels like putting a gun to their own head.
One class on comparative religion, and one logic class, pretty much seals their fate.
Shame on them for having such a weak theology that a college education destroys any desire to return to the kingdom hall.