I have been letting my kids High School teachers know what is happening. Forewarned is fore-armed.
They are Definitely Attacking "Higher Education"
by XBEHERE 129 Replies latest jw friends
They are simply telling lies.....
We are talking about the lives of millions of youth, it is as serious, consequtial and liable as blood policies in my opinion. Any parents reading need to think hard about what they are being told.
The monetary benefits of higher education can be seen in the lifetime difference of 65% earning power when comparing graduate salaries and the earnings of those with just high school education. Median earnings of individuals with a bachelor’s degree in 2011 (latest available data) were on average US$21,100 higher than those with a high school degree.
This earnings gap increases with higher levels of degree, and also with age. The gap between those with a bachelor’s degree and those with a high school education increases from 54% for 25 to 29-year-olds to 86% for 45 to 49-year-olds.
The benefits of higher education also extend to the chances of being employed in the first place. Unemployment rates for four-year college graduates in the US fell from 4.7% in 2010 to 4.0% in 2012, while for high school graduates the equivalent figures were 10.3% in 2010 and 8.3% in 2012.
Additional nonpecuniary benefits of higher education include psychological benefits derived from “the material well-being of individuals and the wealth of society”, and the increased likelihood of engaging in voluntary work and understanding political issues. And in terms of job satisfaction, 56% of workers aged 30 to 45 agree that their job keeps them learning, opposed to just over 30% with a high school diploma.
Apparently those with a college education are more likely to live healthier lifestyles, with fewer incidences of smoking and obesity. The gap between smoking rates of those with high school diplomas and those with four-year degrees has risen from 2 percentage points in 1962 to 17 points in 2012.
(The report also goes into the increases in tolerance, reduction of criminality, satisfaction in work and life, increased contributions to society via tax healthcare contributions and increased voter turnout.)
The 8 window cleaners in Brooklyn and their minions are simply lying and have been about education for several lifetimes now. The data is easy to find, there is no excuse in my opinion in denying education as a JW parent in 2013, its just a ridiculous and ignorant stand to make. I have very good friends who risked their life to leave their country to study the same degree as me in our very fortunate western countries. Then we have waves of kids being misled about education by those who claim their best interests in mind. These people dont even know your kids!
So ask yourself, why are they lying? Why would they not want an educated following? Ignoring the fact they should have NO SAY in this issue anyway!
One of the main reasons why I left-- they attack education as if it is the boogie man and demonize anyone with a bachelor's or more. God forbid if you're an educated *woman*. My oldest, who has not even turned 10, picked up on the anti-education talk and for a while was insisting that she would not go to college. Mind you, at home she was hearing that she WOULD and that I wanted her to go to my alma mater! WTF!! I have been working on shutting down that mentality and setting her up instead for university. It HAS to happen. No choice for her. Ithas been araround 6 months now that she has not attended a meeting. And I am making sure she never steps in a KH again. I HATE this d#%@ f%#@!? Cult!!!!
Three years ago there was a dramatization at my two day assembly. My cousin ( who has been unemployed the last 3 years ) went up on stage pretending that she was a highschool counselor talking to Jehovah's Witness sister who was thinking of going to college in the fall. This was so bad that I promised myself that this would be my last assembly. This dramatization led me to learn that the WTS calculates everything they do to blind their members. I couldn't believe everyone clapped after watching this deadful attack on education.
Two sisters who got up and had a dramatization about a sister not wanting to go to College. I will paraphrase as best as I can.
High School Counselor: ''Have a seat Karen and I will show you all the College applications I have for you.''
Sister: ''Thank you for all the work you have done.''
Counselor: '' I have an application from Harvard,one from Michigan University,and a couple from the East Coast.''
Sister: '' I have done alot of thinking and decided not to go to any College."
Counselor: ''Karen,you have a 4.0 grade average and scored very high on the A.C.T. and you would have no problem getting into any of these schools."
Sister: '' As you know,I'm a Jehovah's Witness and we believe that we are near the ''end times.'' I decided that I will go into the preaching work part time and maybe go to a 2 year school."
Counselor: ''You will probably get into these schools at almost no cost because of your 4.0 average and high A.C.T. scores and have a good career the rest of your life.These are great schools and will prepare you to land a good job.''
Sister: ''This world is passing by and may not be here any longer. I decided to enter the ministry work and Jehovah God will provide for me in the future."
Everyone applauded except me. That was really sad to see!
The Org wants their sheeple to be just above the lowest tier of humans, but they don't want them getting too smart. Just think of the yokels on a trashy talk show. The dubs are above that. This creates an air of superiority in many. To keep the dubs above the lowest level, but stop them from progressing, the Org must demonize education. This creates a comfort zone for dubs. They aren't the lowest, so Jah is blessing them. The must stay in the safe zone, or they may become prideful and rely on the "illusion" of success that comes from bettering themselves. What good is gaining the world if you lose your life at the big A??
The Org has done an excellent job in this area.
The Pew Survey of Religion and Public Life
Jerry Bergman, PhD
Jehovah's Witnesses
The Witnesses had one of the lowest levels of education of all the religions surveyed. Nineteen percent had only a high school education or less, the lowest education level of all religions surveyed (p. 56). This compares to eight percent of atheists and only three percent of all Jews. In contrast, only three percent of the Witnesses had a post graduate degree and six percent were college graduates. This compares with 21 percent of atheists who had post graduate degrees, and the same percent were college graduates. Of the Jews, the comparable numbers were 35 and 24 percent (p. 56).
About half (42 percent) of the Jehovah's Witnesses had incomes below 30,000 ($) and only nine percent had incomes above 100,000 dollars. Only those involved in historically blackchurches had incomes below the Witnesses (p. 60). Of the Jews, a mere 14 percent had incomes below 30,000 but 46 percent had incomes above 100,000 dollars, or over 5 times the level of the Witnesses. Of those who labeled themselves Protestant, 32 percent had incomes below 30,000 and 15 percent above 100,000 dollars.
The WTBTS policy has changed considerably since 1992 .....
w92 11/1 pp. 19-20 pars. 16-17 Education With a Purpose ***
Who decides whether a young Christian should undertake further education or training? The Bible principle of headship comes into play here. (1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 6:1) On this basis parents will surely want to guide their children in the choice of a trade or occupation and consequently in the amount of education that will be needed. In many countries educational and occupational choices have to be made early on during secondary education. That is the time when Christian parents and youths need to seek Jehovah’s direction in making a wise choice, with Kingdom interests uppermost in mind. Young people have different propensities and aptitudes. Wise parents will take these into account. All honest work is honorable, be it blue-collar or white-collar. While the world may elevate office work and disparage working hard with one’s hands, the Bible certainly does not. (Acts 18:3) So when parents and young Christians today, after carefully and prayerfully weighing the pros and cons, decide for or against postsecondary studies, others in the congregation should not criticize them.
If Christian parents responsibly decide to provide their children with further education after high school, that is their prerogative. The period of these studies would vary according to the type of trade or occupation selected.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Lot's of great observations. I love Julia's comment:
"Warren Jeffs and other cult leaders have done the same: cut people off from education. If you're uneducated and lack many vital life skills, you're not only less likely to question the cult, you are also physically dependent on it, like this DO."
It goes all the way up to the crazy 8 at the top. None of them are well-educated, and each of them have gotten to the top by nibbling, sipping, and kissing the right a$ses. They didn't get on the GB by having any original thoughts, they are just "yes" men.
They see no reason for any JW to be anything more than a janitor. And they see no reason why any JW would be concerned about health insurance, retirement, or a mortgage... because none of them have those concerns. They really are just ignorant cult leaders that want to cut people off from education.
Dozy its 2013 ..... Parent's dont dictate a young persons WHOLE life, normal parents encourage them to education and if they are inappropriatly pushy they will push a specific career on them such as law or medicine or economics etc. That is wrong but it is still better than the parent deciding for the child, that is odd, its strange, its abnormal!!!.... and its just not done! I left school to be a joiner.... I wanted to be an engineer or a doctor (impossible to me then), in my first week of joinery, my department head took me aside and asked what I was doing, with my grades, doing joinery. Thank goodness i listened to him and left... it was a long and convoluted route back to education aged 26, to do what I always wanted to do.
The society are being strategic, they say its the head of the houses desicion, then in never to be read aloud elders letterso the KH, dictate that privelages are denied to heads who support or encourage higher education. This is back handed, dark, North Korea 101 activity!
It really is not the parents decision AT ALL! It isnt 1950, the wife beating father and kids that stand to attention. If my kid wants to be an artist, so be it, its their life, their years... I have had mine, made my desicions, it would be their life to steer!
This idea is not an improvement Dozy, its not even accuracte. the anthony morris talk on education on youtube is recent and makes clear the stand on higher ed.
JW GoneBad
Billy The Ex-Bethelite good for you that you pursue your dream of higher education and best wishes.