
by monis 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • happy@last

    Welcome, your life has taken various directions, never stop asking questions. All the best for your journey and saving your kids and husband

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    welcome monis.

    you will find many here who are living or who have lived the same experiences as you. I'm sure you will find some good advice when you need it.

    Have a happy christmas holiday


  • losingit


    Im happy that you stood up for your family and yourself.

    Onceyou've read enough on this forum, read Crisis of Conscience and one of Steve Hassan's books you will have a much better idea about how to approach your husband.

    Please post often toshare your thoughts and concerns about how to go about helping your husband to wake up.

    I wish you the best

  • PaintedToeNail

    Welcome monis! Your family must be relieved that you woke up! I hope your husband does too.

  • monis

    Thank you for your comments and responses. I watched some of the videos. I especially like Roberto di Stefano's video. I was in an Arabic congregation also for a short time, and it was interesting that he was Egyptian born. i will keep watching and searching for ways to help my husband be freed for good. i have no jw family, so i dont really care if im df'd. My husband does, but in his country of origin, not the US. a part of me actually kind of wishes i would be df'd. if the elders told him he could leave me for being an apostate, he would take issue with that. as it is, theyve really only come over to try to find ways to df me, like they heard of my fb postings, etc.

  • cofty

    Hi Monis, welcome to JWN and merry Christmas

  • JakeM2012

    Hi Monis, Welcome to the JWN forum, I enjoyed your introduction, we are looking forward to learning more.

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, thanks for sharing your story, I am glad you got out and are moving on with your life.

    As for your husband, you are wise to be careful. Even when JWs are inactive, they may still be under cult mind control. Instead of trying to convince him, just ask questions designed to get him to think. You know what his weak points are, the things he doesn't like about the religion, start with those. It is manipulative, but the Watchtower manipulated him into this religion, so you have to be just as smart about it.

  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum.

    So glad you are "out" and got an education. Why not just have some quiet time with hubbie and ask him what he thinks about a few things? Don't pressure him. Just let it be for awhile. Maybe you could slowly start sharing things you've learned about the WTS and let him have time to digest them.

  • clarity

    Monis ...a big welcome to you, hope your hubby

    joins you!


    You do have time on your side now. Destruction

    at armageddon is not going to happen and the only power

    those elders or gov body have what you give them! LOL

    With 2 children & a great husband ...that is where your energies

    need to go.


    So slowly research any teachings or beliefs that still worry you,

    until any self doubt or fear, goes entirely away.

    Ask your husband questions about them, he needs to sort it out too.


    We are here to help... looking forward to your posts.


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