I know that just recently they've made billions by cashing in their real estate from Brooklyn. I also saw somewhere that only the UK branch, in a year, made 16 million pounds in profit with their stock portofolio. My cousin worked personally for a guy in Italy, who was involved in the mafia , and was a JW, and apparently he donated at a single convention more than 1 million Euros(probably as a way to wash his sins). Moreover, I've noticed a pattern here in my country, where they either get properties for free from dying JW's, or buy them for next to nothing in wildly growing cities and then sell them for a few hundred grand each.
I've also calculated that if, at over 7 million members, each member donates at least 1 dollar per week, they'll have more than 7 million just from donations. That amounts to 336 million dollars a year. I know a lot of members don't donate anything, or some live in Africa and are very poor, but there are others that offset that imbalance but donating a lot. I personally knew old JW's that donated houses, life savings and much more. In my cong., about each week 100 dollars are raised from donations. Taking into account the 300 million plus donations, stock investments and real estate profit, how much profit do you think these governing body fat pricks actually make in a year ?