If they are making 3 Billion in profits a year after expenses and being tax exempt to top it off, that would put the WT in the big leagues in terms of corporations. Its big business so when I hear people on this site taling of the WT hemoriging money and getting badly hurt by lawsuits, I believe its only putting very small dents in their realestate empire. Think of how many KH, AH, Branch offices, Bethels etc. properties they own around the world and their values. Its a staggering number! in the 10's of Billions.
How much money do you think WT actually makes a year ?
by cookiemaster 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Millions ...but it is evidently still not enough!
yadda yadda 2
How much does the Watchtower give to the poor and starving of the world? ZILCH. Instead, they actively discourage JW's from donating to charities dedicated to fighing famine and disease.
The Watchtower ihoards hundreds of millions of cash from it's Brooklyn real estate sales to build it's luxurious GB retirement complex in up-state New York all through voluntary slave labour while not lifting a finger to help the worst kinds of suffering in this world!
They are a disgrace, like the Catholic Church, anathema to everything Jesus taught and stood for!
I think the OP should read "how much money does the WT make off the gullible , then invest it in money making ventures."
Apart from the obvious real estate deals where they make millions , they also invest in commercial projects , some of which are questionable for a so -called christian religion who claims to be no part of the world .
much of which has already been exposed on this site and can be verified on other search sites such as google etc.
I tend to see 2 two sides of the argument here.
(1) The GB is raking it in e.g high value properties. Refurb scams. Estates been left to them. Real estate sales. Even the Tacoma car park has been sited as an example
(2) They are losing money and members. Sex abuse law suites. Down sizing and asset stripping.
I tend to sit some where in the middle. With out a doubt there are cash flow problems, that is forcing their hand. They do have significant real estate portfolios, that they can lean back on in times of crises, but what has to be remembered here is that this has been acquired with in about 150 years. There have been religious institutions that have been around for a lot less time and have acquired more wealth and better membership that Wt ever did. In this country for example there is one religious movement that I have seen grow with in the space of a couple of decades. This guy is now seriously wealthy, and the members keep giving to him. I do believe the GB seriously believe in what they are doing is Gods work, and are not totally money focused, although some of their methods for staying afloat can be controversial.
The sex abuse law suites will not wipe them out. For what they would have to pay out, would be pocket change for what they are worth. Although so far they have had a couple of dozen sex abuse law suites brought against them. I dont think it will get to the level of the Catholic Church. I say this because I think the Catholic Church sex abuse cases is different to that of the Wt, and is more complex in getting a successful case. With the Catholic Church it was more the case of moving people around where as with the watchtower it was more a case of not notifying, and suppressing information. What I think Must be of major concern to the Wt is the bad publicity that this would generate.
The only "Statement of Accounts" available for the Watch Tower Society (Pennsylvania) were for the years 1995-1998. They are available to download at:
The current "Financial Reports" for Watch Tower (Britain), the International Bible Student Association (IBSA), and the European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses are available to download at:
The most recent years for the "Statement of Income" for Watchtower (Australia) are available to download at: