Children believe Santa Claus is coming. As an adult, do you believe Armageddon is coming?
by LoisLane looking for Superman 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As they get older children grow out from believing in they grow older JWs believe each day that passes brings them one day closer to took me 50 years to realize it isn't coming!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Everybody sing along...
"Santa Clause is coming, to...
drop rocks from the sky to smash people's brains out,
and have birds peck their eyes out and eat their flesh.
Then we'll all have to bury their corpses, and then we'll
get pet lions and pandas, but we won't have time to pet
them because we'll be too busy building, cooking, sewing,
and teaching the resurrected. And the Grinch will get
locked up for a thousand years, but then get let loose
for a while to mislead some of the lion-petters and he'll
probably molest some bees while he's at it. Is that bad?"
I'm pretty sure that's one of the songs in the new JW songbook that was released about the time I left the cult.
LoisLane looking for Superman
According to Jehovah's Witnesses, they (JW's) look forward with anticipation to this grand event that they preach about, world wide.
For JW's to get their emancipation from "Satan"s world™, 7 1/2 billion people will have to die. DIE. DEAD. Bird food.
They preach that your Doctor, Nurse, Teacher, President, Scholars, all military personnel, little babies, children of all colors and backgrounds, will die.
Unless... you are a baptized JW and believe everything the 8 Governing Body members tell you.
Then YOU will be saved.
I think I would rather have my child believe in Santa Claus. He loves everybody and only asks if you have been naughty or nice.
But either way, he is not going to kill anybody.
Who would scare children with the evils of their scary, everybody dies... Armageddon?
You have to be mentally deranged to tell little children that.
You have to be mentally unstable to believe and look forward to all people dying who do not believe in the Crazy 8's of Brooklyn.
Who in their right mind would stake their life and their loved ones lives, on the flip-flopping ideas of the Crazy 8's?
Not me.
rip van winkle
Did I believe in Santa Claus? Yes I did. Then I grew up.
Did I believe in Armageddon? Yes I did. Then I woke up.
Anytime there are cataclysmic events in the world it reinforces the belief that Armageddon is coming. It can happen at anytime. Unexpected.
Santa Claus only comes once a year! (lol.shout out to Tonetta!)
LoisLane looking for Superman
Billy the X. lol
Last year's hit song sung at the 2012 JW Annual Meeting by children.
"Listen, Obey and Be Blessed".
How could parents get tears in their eyes when they are sitting there, watching and hearing their children be
indoctrinated into a teeny, tiny obscure Domesday religious order. WAKE UP People. You are in a cult!
It's crazy how deep that teaching resonates in us, eh?at the end of the day, I just don't know. Let's live our lives the best we can then.
All my JW relatives are in their 40's or older, and I'm hearing- 'not in my lifetime' & 'I won't live to see Armageddon' etc. When you are young you think you could become the President of the United States... and Armageddon will happen in your lifetime... but as you get older you realise that the probability of these events is kinda one in a billion... then to realise that John of Patmos was soley concerned with the Roman Empire of the 1st century... well, that's the end of the bogeyman!
Band on the Run
Some lucky children get to believe in Santa Claus for a while. It may be whiny and small of me but with all the Christmas magic zooming around, I must throw my temper tantrum. I was not allowed to believe in Santa Claus. Ever. When I see all the work most adults go through to have their young children beleive in Santa Claus, it was so unfair. I wanted Santa Claus. My father had not taught me about any Witness doctrine. The world would end if I were so fortunate. My brother was younger and more impressionable. My brother and I were forced to watch him take a white sock from his drawer and hang it on the door kbob. Much talk about the bad Catholic kids. Oh, evil Santa. Well, he did not use a proper Christmas stocking and there was no fire place for Santa to come down. Any idiot could see the logistical problems. I don't remember but we attended a library school Christmas party a few days later. Of course, he took the white sock down with great gusto so we could see there were no toys. The library school's big treat was a viist to the local fire house where the local firemen gave us nice gifts and Christmas candy. My brother ran home and screamed that my father was wrong. Santa was at the fire house. I did not tell him the truth.
Billy the X. If only you were around to serenade me about the big A. It is so funny. Bird food. Santa Claus bringing toys. No. The death of billions of humans. Senior citizens, Catholic kids (the Protestant kids would have an easy death compared to the Catholic kids. They thought they had problems preparing for First Communion, ooooh, the Catholic kids.), infants, puppies, kittens,reknown horses such as Fury and Trigger. Even Flipper in the water. Good bye. I believed it. What is more of all evil people, I was going to be destroyed the most for wanting Santa Claus. We had to practice air raid drills for a nuclear holcoaust. It was so certain. No bathroom breaks. My entire class practiced falling to the ground at a second's notice and clohting our faces with our hands. Your face was the most vulnerable part. We curled up under our wooden desks with the old fashioned ink well hole. Meanwhile a few miles away, the evil UN Security Council was meeting. New York and DC were always the main targets. Crazy.
Oh, if we could have sung your little ditty. Later, we all figured out what would happen b/c we lived so close to NY. What a relief! It is strange. I never thought if only we moved to Brooklyn Heights. We never discussed how to get in touch with Bethel after the Big A. There was no concrete plan to meet at the local KH. OMG, the Witnesses have no plans to provide charity even after the big A. My mom made nothing but big A jokes all during the Terminator films. She said my gm would be in charge of a big truck scooping up all the big A. bones.
Band on the Run
Maybe. It would solve a lot of problems. Armageddon was invisible. Perhaps all we see now is only an illusion. New light can take care of any problem.