As a child and young adult, I have belived in Armageddon. I did not believe in Santa Claus, because as a kid I had pull the guy's beard down to see my neighbor posing for kids in the school. Armageddon is for JW the same scarecrow as is hell for Catholics. It means to scare off people to submit to the doctrine of the church. While Catholics and other mainstream denomination frighten its population with an eternal damnation in the lake of fire, JW threaten with fire on earth and destruction in armageddon. And according to JW, people destroyed in Armageddon do not have a chance for resurrection.
Children believe Santa Claus is coming. As an adult, do you believe Armageddon is coming?
by LoisLane looking for Superman 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cold Steel
With all the talk about the U.S. use of drones, we should just go ahead and tell our kids that the Obama Administration accidentally killed Santa Clause with a drone after the old fellow failed to file a flight plan to the FAA. Instead, he accidentally sent the plans to the FDA, who responded on the nutritional qualities of reindeer cooked well done to crispy.
As for Armageddon, that's just an old story the anointed class uses to keep the great crowd in line.
Not at all.
Cold Steel
Abe: Not only that, I am absolutely convinced that "Armageddon" started over 100 years ago!
Recommend you read Joel Richardson's THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST and THE MIDEAST BEAST, both available through
What is Armageddon?
A: Armageddon is about a 3-hour drive from Jerusalem and is both a small mountain and a valley. Armageddon also is mentioned by John as being a war at the place of Armageddon, during the final war between God and the Adversary.
Where is Armageddon?
A: In the Middle East beginning in the valley of Armageddon and extending to Jerusaelem.
Who is the Beast and the False Prophet?
A: These will be the leaders of a massive kingdom that comes down on Jerusalem. This kingdom includes many kings and nations throughout the region?
What will happen to the Beast and False Prophet?
A: This is answered in Zechariah 12-14, Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 11-13.
Will it involve Jehovah's Witnesses in any way?
A: unless they happen to be in Jerusalem. It will be known as the day Judah converted to their messiah in a single day.
At least Santa Claus doesn't threaten children with imminent destruction if they do not join an organization and support it beyond their means. The worst that can happen if children are bad is that Santa will leave them coal in their stockings--hardly getting hit with 96 pound/45 kg chunks of ice or being swallowed by the earth.
To add WTWizard:
At least Santa Claus doesn't threaten children with imminent destruction if they do not join an organization and support it beyond their means. The worst that can happen if children are bad is that Santa will leave them coal in their stockings--hardly getting hit with 96 pound/45 kg chunks of ice or being swallowed by the earth.
or getting chashed by two hugry bears
Black Man
I remember some adult faders would come back because they'd had children out in the 'world' & were petrified their children would die in the big A if they didn't hurry up and become active JW's again. I understand now that these people were still indoctrinated & genuinely scared, but back then I always felt sorry for their children. They'd been so close to a JW-free life!
Cold Steel
Kaik: ...or getting [chased] by two [hungry] bears.
Just a word or two in defense of Elisha and the Lord in the incident between the prophet and the rabble of youth, which led to the attack of the she-bears.
First, these weren’t just a group of children. They were a mob of rabble rousers, most likely in their upper teens. Elisha, at the time, was in the prime of his life and not necessarily bald at all. The term “bald head” was frequently used to refer, not to a bald person, but to one who was afflicted with leprosy. Add to this that Elisha cursed them in the “name of the Lord,” and the fact that the bears were already in the vicinity, and it’s pretty clear that the Lord knew what was in the hearts of this mob and intended to offer them a lesson in respect for the Lord’s anointed. The bears also may have prevented the mob from escalating the incident to a state of violence.
How do we know this group weren’t “little children”? Because the word for them was naar, which referred to someone who was “a young man, a servant, or even a soldier, or one fit to go out to battle: and is so translated in a multitude of places in our common English version.” (See Smith’s Bible Commentary.) It also was applied to Solomon at the time of his accession, at which time he was about 20 years of age. So, again, these weren't little children.
The climate nazis have their own prediction of Armageddon.
So do the doomsday economists.
The Tea Partiers.
The religious right.
Fact is, Armageddon sells newspapers (and WT mags).
It's an efficient tool for recruiting.