Lol outlaw!
Christmas is WRONG!
by thesaint 75 Replies latest jw friends
See his other post, "jw is crap".
finally awake
Well Merry Christmas to you, Saint
Xmas is soooooooo wrong!
Hahaha! D#%@ in a box!
Christmas is unscriptural and fraudulent!
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Christmas is wrong. You betcha and I love it. I love the music, I love the food, I love the pretty decorations and lying to little kids about Santa Claus.
I know you're trolling, but just in case you're serious: I did leave the cult for selfish reasons. I'll admit it. I was tired of all that guilt and pressure making my family and me sick and depressed. Why, we were under so much damn pressure to do more, do more, DO MORE!!!, that our immune systems just got up and went. Yes sir, I'm selfish. With the lack of education, good jobs and health insurance, I couldn't afford another bankruptcy due to all the built up and unpaid medical bills. I wanted to go a year without strep throat running in three week cycles for the entire year. I'm selfish, you're right. I hate taking prozac so I left so I don't have to anymore. I'm SELFISH. I love feeling healthy and having the energy to live my life rather than my life living me. My kids are grown up and they celebrate Christmas and have almost forgiven me for depriving them of a normal, happy childhood. I'm selfish because I like being forgiven. I wasn't raised in that miserable, cold, heartless, twisted cult and I am very glad to go back to my LIFE. Yes, call me selfish. I take it as a high compliment, coming from you.
The entire rant about Christmas, Easter, birthdays and all other holidays just shows how small-minded JWs really are. They are just against these holidays because they are TOLD to disapprove of them by the Watchtower magazine and other JW publications. Not a singlw Witness came up with these conclusions via independent thought or study of the Bible. My question to JWs is always: Name ONE doctrine which you have independently come up with that disagrees with Watchtower dogma. They cannot do it!! Because they only parrot what the Watchtower says. No independent thinking involved.