So is death, disease, hunger,... And a "loving" God letting humans die when he has the power to stop it!
**Why don't you get on your knees and pray to Jah to resolved these greator issues before you condemn others for trivial matters.
by thesaint 75 Replies latest jw friends
So is death, disease, hunger,... And a "loving" God letting humans die when he has the power to stop it!
**Why don't you get on your knees and pray to Jah to resolved these greator issues before you condemn others for trivial matters.
Well if I am worshipping Satan by celebrating Christmas, then Merry Christmas Satan! I LOVE Christmas.
To “thesaint”:
The conclusion regarding Christmas (or any other holidays people celebrate), when you think of it – when all is said and done, really – is, WHO CARES!
The net result is that the children have something to look forward to, and everyone is reminded of humble and higher-order social values which are mutually beneficial based on natural and moral principle. Even if there are “technical inaccuracies,” the fact is that, being on a Scriptural theme, Christmas is something that at least makes people think about Jesus in some way. Instead of being something disrespectful or blasphemous, it should really be thought of as being rather complimentary. If I were Jesus (which I’m not), I would actually be somewhat flattered that the most significant financial boon of the year is something relating to my name. Good or bad, it nonetheless is something that reminds everyone of unselfish and philanthropic, Christian-like endeavors, even if some of the gifts involved happen to be exchanged the next day (Boxing Day).
And speaking of technical inaccuracies, or falsehoods, I personally think of this: there are Egyptian mythology, Babylonian mythology, Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Hindu mythology, native Indian mythology, etc., . . . . and there is also what I call “Christian mythology.” When you stop and look at the whole forest of religious beliefs and customs, they always involve people or demigods going back and forth between the earthly and “heavenly” realms, performing some kind of magical feats (miracles), and purveying some kind of mystical or “divine” knowledge from the gods. Looking at it from a modern scientific, logical, agnostic perspective, I think it’s all mythology (of one bent or another).
So, as to which customs or celebrations anyone would, or would not (or should, or should not) indulge in, if it’s basically all just bunk, then, . . . . well, like I said, Who cares anyway! I.e., just shut up and drink your eggnog. And remember to enjoy yourself, and help others do the same. Merry . . . . Just be merry, okay? That’s really what it all boils down to.
You sir, are most definitely on Santa's naughty list!!
And buying gifts for loved ones and watching them unwrapping them is a true joy.
Bah humbug to you.
Oh and it's only 363 sleeps Till next Christmas woo hoo
"the saint"
The REAL reason the JW religion hates Holiday season is because they are afraid that once JWs see how much more comfortable they are eating and drinking and spending time with people who aren't judging them, and contrast that with how miserable they are at the hall, they just might walk away from the religion.
Never mind the nonsense about paganism. So many other things are pagan, even the days of the week.
The JW religion would rather a person isolate themselves and spend more miserable time at the hall around backstabbers pretending to be their brothers. The religion would like for people to throw their real family away in exchange for the phony one in the religion. I came to this conclusion many years ago one Thanksgiving holiday when I was staring at four walls and feeling isolated like some crazy soldier in the hills fighting a private war.
I wondered just what the hell was I doing? I guess Jehovah is only pleased if I was staring at four walls alone. After that, I never passed up an invitation again!
You can keep that vacuum of a religion.
And of course "Jehovah" is the true name of God even though it was invented by a catholic monk in the 13th century.
Splash: It is irrelevant because it absolutely has nothing to do wjth Jesus own birth date. Jehovah has in his book of books the levels in which to reject strange teachings. That is why we witnesses come to the conclusion that Christmas is false and should NOT be worshipped by anyone who claims they love God.
LisaRose: God's chosen people are not self-righteous and crazy over this holiday. We just seem that way because we know it is false and we want to protect everyone from these evil customs so they can maintain everlasting life with Christ and the 144,000 ruling. You make it sound like we are religious extremists and that is certainly not the case. Religious pagan celebrations are just as wrong as your Feast of Lights and they displease our holy Jehovah, so that is why we are so strongly in opposition towards it. Scrooge is an abomination to someone like me who is just making my heavenly father happy.
DS211: It is in the bible that it tells us as witnesses to understand and come to an accurate knowledge of truth which includes his earthy organization and through the holy Governing Body, all true Christians receive knowledge of the divine truth that is God's will.
EndofMysteries, dazed but not confused, losingit, brinjen, snare&racket, and factfinder: Trolling and satire is far from the objective because all this saint wants to do is try to get all of you to realize that no one should be celebrating this hogwash. You people are so darn hard headed that it is a shame. Trying to show the truth using the bible is almost impossible for you people that think you know it all.
Dis-Member: You are wrong, sir. Anyone who is not following Jehovah is a follower of Satan. That includes you and almost everyone on this trash of a website.
FlyingHighNow: Disgusting. Not only do you admit it is wrong but you view it in a nice light. And on top of that, you left for selfish reasons just like I proclaimed. Being selfish is by no means a high quality. You must remember to slave for Jehovah and not to be so self-indulged to leave him for Satan's world. You still have time left to come back into the truth as I am flabbergasted to hear you have left the Almighty God for the evil serpent of old. May you prove to overcome your treacherous heart.
NAVYTOWN: Okay that is far from the truth. Jehovah's Witnesses are against all those ploy tactics from the wicked one because we know how God feels about them, as he reveals in his word. All the doctrines in our holy WatchTower publications are correct, as evidence from deep study of the bible, so there is no reason to try to go against the publications from the faithful and discreet slave because it is from he who is above.
Black Sheep: There is evidence found in the bible through the WatchTower that the end of the world and the paradise earth ruled by the anointed is indeed the absolute truth. What you said just proves how delusional you yourself are.
Julia Orwell: So you call me a thoughtless, judgemental, nitwit for explaining why your evil holiday is wrong. Not at all, that is a pure honest and a factual way to give facts to you on how to please the Almighty.
crazy2try: You just had not felt God's active force working on you yet to give you the joy that comes with being acquainted with God's workers. You should go back and be more patient toward true Christians as it mentions in 1 Thessalonians 5:14. Glad to help.
quellycatface: You are just like those mentioned in the holy book that turned their back on Jehovah to pursue fleshy desires. We all pray that you reconsider stepping back into Jehovah's holy church of his holy witnesses.
stillin: Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! God will not be killing his holy followers. He will be vanishing all those like you who refuse to worship him. Sir, you must have learned this before. Don't allow Satan to blind you!
blondie: Not sure why you posted that scripture in Luke, because nowhere does it say that we as God's servants should celebrate his sons birth date on earth. It simply says that he will become a savior for all Jehovah's Witnesses. You should be embarrassed for trying to use the bible as guidance to justify Christmas.
problemaddict: The faithful slave class are by NO means apostate. Apostate would be persons like you who try to wrong Jehovah's servants. All of you are indeed on the same brush because you all do not serve the true God and you have no need to. It is just some of you are worse because certain ones celebrate something that we as witnesses are sure God hates. You are right that Jesus would indeed reject the strange teaching of Christmas. All that stuff you mentioned is clearly backed up in the WatchTower.
NotNew: Celebrating this evil holiday is not a trivial matter in our view. This displeases God because it is not in accord to what he teaches in his word and in his holy WatchTower.
love2Bworldly: Such an evil disgrace to Jehovah and the faithful slave class. You worship Satan which deeply implies you will not be saved. But there is still time to submit to Jah and save your life.
Finkelstein, rebel8, finally awake, kurtbethel, wearewatchingyouman, OUTLAW, designs, happy@last, Bruja-del-Sol, Billy the Ex-Bethelite and Inisc: Jokes and holiday greetings are not the norm for satisfying God. So I will plead with no comment.
SAHS: Yet another example of neglection of Jehovah and being selfish. You must be like us witnesses and recognize this holiday is WRONG and that we should NOT celebrate it. It isn't about children, it is about the Sovereign Lord Jehovah! God gave us everything and you are not gonna treat him with respect? We all must be ready to humble ourselves and bow down to him.
LongHairGal: Christmas is by NO means enjoyable. Disobeying God is never a nice thing. You think that the witnesses judge and are miserable? Far from truth again. We deeply enjoy the spirtual food given by the faithful slave class and we love teaching others about our God. You're deeply wrong about Jehovah's organization, Missy. We want you and your family to serve the one true God. You must not leave Jehovah because you want to be apart of Satan's turmoil. You must realize that his strange teachings are evil and false. Will pray for you.
smiddy: Absolutely WRONG!
You evildoers are too much. Not only do most of you not want to serve Jehovah, you want to displease him by participating in things you know he hates. Shame on all of you! But some of you needed my help because you were totally brainwashed by Satan the Devil, but still, shame shall make you repent! Christmas IS NOT the answer, Jehovah is the way to everlasting life. May you all take the right path.
I've never been a JW but the JWs loved christmas in the past I remember seeing a picture from New York at the Bethal building all enjoying their christmas dinner with all the trimmings. There is nothing wrong with celebration witnesses celebrate weddings the angels celebrated christs birth and there is nothing in the bible telling us not to celebrate birthdays.
Please post your biblical position outlining why christmas is not for christians. Barry
No you are wrong. Who is the egotistical one here ? You calling yourself a " Saint " ? Does God feel the same way ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper