Winnie? As someone once said: "feed your head". Take in more facts and learn at school how things really are. Good luck, there I said it, LUCK!
Be happy.
by winnie12 42 Replies latest jw experiences
Winnie? As someone once said: "feed your head". Take in more facts and learn at school how things really are. Good luck, there I said it, LUCK!
Be happy.
Wow, I just thought I would check to see if anyone replied to my post and I am just beaming with joy from all the encouragement and positivity you all are sending. It feels so good to know that I am not alone and that many of you are or have dealt with a similar issue. thank you so much, I'm juat going to keep planning and building my life out there and wharever happens happens. I need to be happy and start enjoying life.
i understand why you are feeling so alone. You are anticipating losing the one lifeline you have. Time to build some new friends. In the meantime it might not hurt to learn how to speak to your moms authentic personality. If there is any hope of understanding it is through heart to heart communication. In the meantime use us as your spare social network.
Dear Winnie
I feel for you. Yes to have doubts and then certainties can be very troubling and it can come with a lot of tears and pressure. But I tell you it is good that you didn't bury your doubts. From your words I think you are a young person. Maybe it is a good idea to go to university in another country. Don't worry You will be able to find some great friends. Just be determined to show unconditional love to everyone. You can do something good with your life. The best times of your life us ahead of you.
However I think it is important that you have someone to share your feelings and doubts. Why not telling your dad everything that troubles you? Or maybe even your mum (you will know how much you can tell your mum). But do not open your heart to the elders. I did that and it was no help. Everything they care for is that you come back to "mother organisation."
I wish you all the best and be assured that I think of you.
Love Daniel
Winnie, try to make your past experience into something positive. You learned a lot there, and try to use it to the best abilities. You have control over your own destiny.
Welcome!! You've come to the right place!
Welcome to the board. Life is great. Don't let a cult tell you "these are the worst of times".
I am a non JW married to a JW and a father of two JW's, one baptized, the other not. When I learn ttatt I became adamant against the idea of keeping my children under the control of crazy, arrogant and deceptive cult leaders. My desire to free my children is greater than my desire to please my wife's wishes. The lives of young people are precious and should be protected.
Trust your father and share the ttatt. He will be your best support.
Welcome here. I'd echo a lot of what has been said, does your dad know the policy on shunning? My dad was never a JW either and I've only just told him after 2 years of me being out (I faded but have decided to DA). He is very supportive but also shocked. If he has some relationship with your mum then over time he might be able to gauge her reaction were you to stop entirely. All the best on your journey.
Winnie ...a big welcome! looking forward to reading
more of your story!
Tough times -- I can tell you from personal experience that you will be happier once you are out on your own, getting an education and living a more interesting life. Making some plans will help you feel better, and then working on your plans step by step will make you feel even better. I think you'll bet to know loads of people at the university, and make some friends there. In the meantime, share how you feel here. Lots of people with similar experiences, we understand how you feel.