Dear Brothers
After some struggling with trying to make the Bible's account of creation square with the physical evidence presented by science I was so pleased to recieve the latest Awake magazine (March 2014) via with it's lead article "The Untold Story of Creation".
Your detailed article provided vast amounts of credible and scientifically based evidence that counters even the most determined of evolutionists. This article shall be an absolute blessing in the ministry and shall no doubt be instrumental in changing the minds of countless ones we meet.
The material is certainly new, detailed and clearly presents more than compeling evidence of as yet unknown arguments and evidence for creation that are irrefutable. Your timeline of creation presents perhaps the clearest case for the biblical account ever published. It makes me so happy that we are not creationists like all those misguided ones who promote the ridiculous notion of Young Earth Creationism. I am so glad as well that you did not seek to put Jehovah's organisation in the same camp as "Old Earth Creationists".
Our view is clearly poles apart from any other interpretation out there and proves we are the one true organisation, spirit directed by Jehovah alone.
Thank you dear Brothers for this food at the proper time. I am so happified.
Warmest Christian love,
Brother Gullible.