March 2014 - Food at the proper time regarding creation

by konceptual99 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    They want the rank and file to stay ignorant so they can be more easily controlled.

    Also this being the Awake! shows what level of stupid they are trying to recruit.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    So they state their entire idea in a single page without quotes, reference, evidence ...

    And they go on with a little chart which represents Gen 1 (not 2 which conflicts with 1) and still have light being visible before the sun and moon become visible...

    The chart alone is going to be the laughing stock of pundits everywhere.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Making convenient statements whilst rejecting established scientific facts is a sign of dishonesty, to say the least. Nothing new there, but more and more people should read about these subjects from authoritative, reliable sources.

    Life is too short to be based on superstition.

    They promote creationist ideas and then lie saying they are not creationists. They say their interpretation of the Genesis creation myth "harmonizes with scientific discovery" and then say god created a perfect man and woman. They really don't think much of the rank and file. It's sad that these are scared into not looking outside the controlled information walls.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The Bible's account of creation is true....see, it says so right here in the Bible.

    What further proof do you need?

  • Phizzy

    I like the fact they quote Alfred Wallace, or at least a few words from him that might appear to support the idea of a Creator, but they do not say of course that he was a convinced Spiritualist, and like Rutherford, anti vaccines too !

    Was he the best "authority" they could mine a quote from ?

  • Apognophos

    They really don't think much of the rank and file.

    Sadly they think accurately. The rank and file will gulp this down eagerly with a glint of joy in their eyes.

    It's sad that these are scared into not looking outside the controlled information walls.

    Not just scared; this is what JWs want to believe. They want to believe that the evidence is on their side because it supports the fairy tale about living forever in a paradise. As long as the Society continues to assure them from time to time, "Oh yes, science is absolutely in harmony with the Bible", they will be happy to not look into anything themselves and take the GB at their word.

  • zound

    This part below concedes a certain extent, enough leway to not make JW's completely bawk considering the clear evidence of evolution - but it looks like they are not budging from creation anytime soon. Even though they denigrate creationists in the same breath, saying they are fundementalists - yet they somehow 'reason' that they themselves are NOT creationists. Doubletalk.

    • The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds. In many cases, the resulting life-forms are remarkably different from one another.

    • The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind.

  • zound

    This article and the whole magazine actually really upsets me, how ignorant/arrongant and deceptive it is. They really don't think much of their readers do they.

    The preceding "Watching the world" is all doom and gloom. The following article is "Money, the root of all evil?" with the last paragraph asking JW's to have a "generous spirit" and be "cheerful givers" (give more contributions)

    Then finishing with some marriage advice basically stating that if your marriage sucks then tough titties, you made a vow so stick with it. A healthy amount of blame for not being happy in your marriage "You have become emotionally distant." Your expectations were unrealistic." And no mention of seeing an evil marriage counseller.

    What a depressing load of rubbish. These guys make me sick.

  • Apognophos

    I haven't read the article, but if it's about the Society acknowledging variation within kinds, one can find that same acknowledgment in the Insight book in the "Flood" article, so this is not a new development, and therefore does not imply any move towards accepting evolution. However, I believe they have gone so far as to say in the past that this variation is what some call "microevolution". So in a sense they accept evolution, but are essentially saying that the adaptation process is trapped within one "kind" of animal, which is not scientifically plausible.

  • Phizzy

    It is actually a quite cleverly, or rather , craftily written article, covering over, by exegesis, the glaring errors in Genesis.

    The exegesis being explaining the creation of the sun and moon in the way they do. Of course, the writer (s) of Genesis "evidently" meant what the Writing Dept. say they did.

    Trying to make a literal rendering of the Bible fit with modern knowledge is a thankless task, and as Apologists for something they don't really believe in, the Writing Boys have not done a bad job here.

    Of course, they do actually believe in very fast Evolution, from the time of Noah until now, about 16000 times faster than science tells us it actually took.

    If you sat them down and asked about all the varieties of life we see today, and if they can only produce within their own "kind", they would have a real problem with how old Noah crammed that lot in his floating box.

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