Where the need is greater: TTATT in Spanish

by Londo111 95 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • losingit


    Please define "backwards"

  • ILoveTTATT

    I mean that, as far as I have seen, there are very few Latin-American exJW websites, and the ones that do exist are still stuck in the "subliminal images/conspiracy theories/Mason/Illuminati" sort of websites. There are some that are better but still too "Christian preachy"...

    In my very humble opinion, a great website should give facts, not theories, should be accurate, should not have bias towards a particular religion, should also include psychological help for those leaving the WT. I have yet to see a website like that that comes from a Latin American writer.

    So yes, we (because I am Latino myself) are way behind compared to the English-speaking or the Spaniard (from Spain) exJW community.

  • ILoveTTATT

    Losingit: I edited my post... I meant to say that, if you look at the effective exJW websites, you can see that illuminati/conspiracy theory websites aren't too effective...

    There NEEDS to be an examination of the BITE model and there NEEDS to be a support network...

  • losingit

    Thank you for defining bc I was about to blow a gasket. I haven't done a thorough search of TTATT inSpanish. However, what I have found is a mixed bag. I originally did my search for TTATT in English, and I am happy that I did. The abundance of information was empowering. I could pick the issues that were important to me and investigate them.

    Im fresh out of the cult (July was my last meeting). At first I felt that I had an obligation to help every single JW I knew. Now I'm just concentrating on my girls. I'm still very confused about God. I don't want to be agnostic or an atheist. I also don't want to be preachedto or be told what to do by anyone. Finding that balance in a website about such an important matter such as faith is very difficult. At times I got upset with jwfacts as I thought its goal was to crumble my belief in.God the Creator. There are some things I can handle and others I can't on the question of God. When Im readyI will tackle them. Jwfacts is oriented in such a way that I can close my eyes, stop, or as in a horror movie you peek thru the fingers of your hand to see what's going to happen. And it does this by presenting FACTS.

  • losingit

    I love jwfacts bc and jwn bc it confirmed that I was not crazy for having my doubts. As much as I cried, it was a relief. It was a gift. Hispanics/ Latinos who are doubting and are seeking truth should be able to benefit from this gift as well.

    Good luck with this venture, and when I'm ready I will join you.

    Much love!


  • juanvazquez88

    count me in!!

    it is time to bring TTATT in spanish!!

  • Hecce

    Sorry but there is an excellent Spanish EXJWs Forum at this link:


    It is like a Spanish version of this site and most of the information that is being discussed for translation is already there, I invite the friends that can read Spanish to visit this place and verify for yourselves.

    Estadísticas de Desenmascarando a la Watchtower

    Temas 15,375 Mensajes 284,034 Miembros 7,197

    If possible read the life experience of the Owners/Adm. Their names are David and Mary Fuentes, ex CO and Bethelites.

  • juanvazquez88



  • losingit

    Awesome Hecce!

  • Phizzy

    That really is great news Hecce ! so many people in the World speak Spanish, or understand it well.

    And so TTATT is available to them !

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