Hi Guys long time no see. I just have a question about my personal congregation file. Recently I made a request to the elders to return my personal file but I haven't heard a whisper from the elders and its been months so I wrote them again this time with a time frame of 14 days and its now been over a month and still no response. I wanted to email one of the elders as he is my brother in law and the only one with an email but last time I did that he threatened to take legal action as he didn't want me to email him any longer as HE CONSIDERS ME AN APOSTATE so my question to you is..What can I do? should I email him or take legal action myself?
personal file
by focariedu21 12 Replies latest jw friends
I was thinking about this earlier myself, since they keep a publisher record of each current and ex member, if we can legally get the record ourselves and have them destroy any copy they have?
Nobody has ever signed anything on a privacy notice or permission to make a file about us, so I wonder if the publisher file and records are even legal to begin with.
Your B inlaw has no legal basis in a court because you send him an email. Just make sure that the email is professional and courteous. From the Org's perspective, he is an elder and you are supposoed to contact an elder with any Org related business. Is he just thick? You wouldn't want to appear as deliberately trying to annoy him.
How do you know that you have congregation file other than a publisher record card? What would you want to accomplish by legal action? I don't see it.
Depends on what country you're in. In the UK, I believe they have laws about your control over records made about you.
In the US, AFAIK, you're SOL. You can make a file on them too, and you don't have to give it to them.
In fact, your continued unwanted contact with them, after they've asked you to stop, could be considered harassment.
Band on the Run
It is interesting. The problem I see is the legal fees. Do you have a lawyer willing to request your file? I have no idea how the law would treat such a request. It might make a difference where you live. My former residence charged over $150. for small claims court fees. The present one charges $15.00. There is a big difference. You might have to pay the other side's costs.
I have no idea what type of info would be included in a file. Why would they retain the file of someone no longer active? I never knew how these things worked in the KH.
Back in my days, it may still be the same, an S-92 and/or S-93 something or other yellow card and orange were sent to Society with a brief explanation of a person being DFd or DAd. The Society date stamped both cards and then sent one back to the congregation.
It was not a litany, just a few sentences about the offense and Biblical reason for the DF DA. I wouldn't care if they had one on me. Mickey Mouse religion.
no more kool aid
We actually had our attorney request them and we also asked that all further contact go through the lawyer. It took two requests then we got a response from the society attorney in New York. The letter basically said that these files are not our property. They have since stopped calling to request a meetings with us and as far as I know we have not been disfellowshiped. NMKA
Simon Templar
Publisher record cards are the property of the congregation. You are not going to get yours. But, if you want to rattle cages, just go get a lawyer.
Nobody can keep info on you against your will, write to bethel and ask them to destroy all records of you. I would visit a lawyer for a free consultation, ask for s price to deal with it if they dont reply. Then send a letter with name of lawyer etc saying you will pursue it if evidence of your records being destroyed is not made available and make clear you remove any right for them to keep any records, be in paper or digital or kept in the congregations safe.
(that safe is full of all the dodgy legal paperwork)
dazed but not confused
Who in the hall keeps them or is responsible for them? Are they kept at the hall or at someone's house?