Used to be cong secretary
personal file
by focariedu21 12 Replies latest jw friends
Just curious, why do you need it so badly?
Even if you were able to coerce them into giving you this file of theirs (not your property), you can't prevent them from making a copy (unless you're in the UK with that law about records).
When you think about it, what does it matter if the Tooth Fairy or Banana Republic have a file on you?
I am with you rebel8. If I care what records they have on me, then that means I still have some lettin' go to work on. Just me, not saying for anyone else.
By the way, every other entity that you have ever had dealings with also have records on you. The power company, phone company, library, military, and even the community college where you signed up for classes and then decided not go.