I am sorry for how you feel. Depression is rough, and this shame and guilt over our indoctrination doesn't help. So here is my firm suggestion. You do....whatever will cause you the least amount of stress and possibly worsen your condition. So if meeting with them to hear them out so they can cross you off the list (make no mistake that is part of it), and then not have to hear from them for a while is something you can do.....why not.
If their presence will be hard for you (and it sounds like it will), or even worse, possibly get your husband going again....don't do it.
This is what you have to remember. You are under no obligation to meet with them. None. You don't have to explain yourself, all you have to do is be cordial. If some guy wants to sell you a water softener and you don't want one, you explain that you are not interested in his visit and you go about your day. if he gets pushy, you usually close the door even harder.
Elders are not used to being told no, so they don't know how to take it. Just tell them thank you but now is not a good time. You'll let them know when you are interested in a visit.
Heres a story. About 4 motnhs ago a CO and DO were visiting my former hall. The elders called me and asked if they could meet with me. I told them I didn't really think that was a good idea. They told me the CO AND DO wanted to come (they were new, and I was a high profile JW in my area), so I kind of caved. But opportunity for my business came up, and I was out of town that week. I thought to myself that any other person I had made an appoitnment with would understand this was too big to miss, and we could reschedule. The guys acted like I was betraying them or lying. For some reason......since then......I have not been contacted and nobody has tried to come and see me.
You see........the CO and DO left. And people have other crap to do. So it worked out well. Sometimes you weather that initial push, and its all good after that. Stand your kind.