Love2Bworldly- it's sad isn't it? You think you're part of a worldwide brotherhood, each and every one of whom would give up their life for you, but miss a few meetings and you are dead to them.
Nonjwspouse- thanks for the well wishes! I hope it works out, too. As a JW, I always felt like I wasn't really living, just waiting for paradise for the "real life." The realization that this IS the real life is still something I'm getting used to, not just sitting back and waiting but going out there and actually living. Very strange.
Ding, zeb and LoisLane- thanks!
LHG- it DOES feel like trying to escape. It's like you don't realize just how strong of a grip they have on your life, relationships, time, energy, psyche, etc. until you try to get out.
Nice Dream- I had the same experience- not buying Xmas decorations, but seeing JWs at the mall and literally running the other direction so I wouldn't have to talk to them. Absolutely ridiculous.
happy@last- did you have a Xmas tree? Honestly, why can't they mind their own business? My husband is still thoroughly brainwashed so Xmas might just be a pipe dream, but we can hope.
Cyrus- that is the dilemma I'm facing. As of now, I'm sure my husband would go to the KH if we moved. And I don't suppose there's any way our current Cong would send just his cards and not mine. I've thought that maybe if I moved first, maybe I could get my cards sent to a different Cong and then never switch them, but that would be complicated. Also, I believe my dad will make it his personal mission to be sure that no matter where I move, the Cong knows exactly where I live and what my current status is.