I told my dad this morning.........

by lv4fer 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • lv4fer

    He asked if I was going to the circuit assembly this weekend. I said we would not be there. He asked why. I just said after a long pause, Dad it's not the truth (you have to understand that I'm the one who preached to this man and got him in the truth) The conversation lasted about 5 minutes with him saying well who else teaches the right thing, you have to understand, Jehovah has to have an organization. You have to realize that they are imperfect men and they are going to make mistakes, Jehovah corrects their mistakes in time. I said what about the people that are hurt by their mistakes in the mean time, he said well just trust in Jehovah he will make it right. We touched on a few subjects; the annointed, heavenly hope, etc. I assured him I am still a Christian, I just don't want to be a Jehovah's Witness. He was not happy. We will continue this conversation because he and I had to return to work. I'm so stressed out, I'm sick to my stomach. I know I'm doing the right thing, I just hate to disappoint/hurt him. I don't know why I'm going on about this to all of you, I just needed to vent and perhaps ask for your prayers on his behalf so that he too can see the light!

    "The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself."

    Rita Mae Brown

  • SixofNine

    It's all good.

    Remember that.

  • Francois

    Rita, hang in there. You're doing the right thing. I don't think God wants the coerced devotion of anyone. In fact, what else CAN we give God but our free-will choice to do his will? And that means his will as WE see it in our individual hearts. There is no gift to god in doing his will as seen by somebody else.

    Go for it.


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    You are an encouragement to me.
    Keep your ground.
    Hey, and you never know...If you are the one who aided Pops into the JW religion, you just may be the one who can aid him out.

  • Valis

    Courage in the face or persecution....remember that line? Well, remember too that JWs have always set themselves up for disappointment. This comes when they get disappointed their own children might want to make up their own minds, or live a life free of guilt, or be adults for that matter. If he's hard hearted he may do like so many other JWs have done by shunning and become a disappointment to you and not the other way around. I hope that isn't the case and he really loves you and your family.....do tell us more when you are able.


    District Overbeer

  • Leander

    There are lot of good questions that you can ask your father that might get him to do some serious thinking. For example:

    We are in the most crucial point in human history, would it be logical for God to allow an organization representing him to make so many mistakes during this time of the last days?

    Would a religion who really served as God's communication channel blatantly disregard the bible and run ahead of God time after time proclaiming dates for armageddon? (Jesus warned us on several occasions to watch out for individuals claiming that the end is here)

    Also a true mark of God's chosen people would be one who cares for the flock. Is the WTS really any different than other religions in regards to child abuse? (have they always turned in known child abusers to the local authorities, have they removed and kept these abusers from positions of authority and trust)

    If your dad really thinks about the answers to that question then the truth should hopefully be evident

  • gsx1138

    My mother is sure that the reason all 5 of her children are not JW's is because of our ass step dad. I had to tell her, "I just grew up."
    Sometimes doing the right thing is not always the easiest thing to do. I'm positive if you can get your father back out of the "truth" both of your relationships will be even stronger.

    The biggest misconception, and this is the fault of churches, is that religion and spirituality are the same thing. Regardless of what religion you choose you'll, at least in part, be following the will of men. It is up to you as to whether you can accept their teachings or not. Some would have you believe that your choice is made for you but it is not.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • simwitness

    lv4fer -

    I am in the same basic spot you are, except that I have been out for a long time, but have recently begun again trying to explain to my dad (an elder) why the WTBS cannot be the "truth".

    Many of his responses are very similar to the ones you mentioned.

    I worry daily that I will end up alienating him, and have many times called him to make sure "we were ok". He has told me that he will not "shun" me reguardless of my beliefs, but I know that at some point he may feel he has to.

    Keep it simple, ask him "why" god needs an organization on earth? If he is at all like my dad, it will be all about "the work".

    I intend to use the Luke 21:8 reasoning to show him (my dad) that the WTBS cannot be the one... not sure when I will, we are supposed to go fishing next Friday... but I want to take a break from these conversations.

    hang in there.

  • r51785
    you have to understand, Jehovah has to have an organization

    This is the false assumption that enslaves JW's. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that God has to have a printing company.

  • ShaunaC

    Hi Sweetie! I know the pain of disappointing your father. I know you understand why.

    I'm sure some of that disappointment comes from getting him into the Org in the first place. You may temporarily disappoint him now that you want to leave but in the end you may be able to free him from this cult as well.

    Guilt is no reason to continue to live unhappily. Everything will work out in the end. Look at me...my sister, who I've never had an adult social conversation with in my life and who I have only seen and spoken to a couple of times in the past 3 1/2 years I've been out, called me last week out of the blue to tell me she's pregnant. We ended up talking for 20 minutes, cut short only cuz I had to go to dinner.

    Point is...people will often surprise you. So follow your heart and be patient for everyone else to fall in line.

    And as for skipping the Assembly this weekend...take the family out for something fun instead!

    I'll be thinking of ya,

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