If any mod could keep an eye on this hateful person and prevent her from trolling this thread I would be grateful.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences
Strypes, you're not a lunatic, you're just a small, hateful and ugly person.
Yup. Same Strypes as from tec's voice-hearers forum. I recognize the vitriol.
I don't know what tec's forum is.
I do not discuss my illness anywhere apart from the one thread where I shared it. For you to bring it into a debate is beneath contempt. You are the person who admitted your reaction was to pray for my demise.
Quote from Cofty above.
Cofty, we all face our mortality. Some could die in a farming accident tomorrow or get slammed by a tsunami next week. Your particular situation regarding your current suffering is the elephant in the room.
I have never prayed for your death/demise. What I said on another forum (gather in his name dot com) was that I found it hard to pray for you (even before your current issues) because you treat me so badly. My Christian (never jws) friends encouraged me to see you not as an enemy but as one who God loves and one whom He desires to be reconciled.
Your repeating a lie will never make it true.
The forum strypes described above is not my forum. You don't have to have been a jw to post on my forum. Hell, I was never a jw. I (as the admin) also do not send stuff to read from the forum via email to posters.
Hummingbird... when were you a member of my forum to even have recognized anything? The last time the poster strypes on my forum posted was in April of 2013. For you to even have had any knowledge of Strypes from my forum (if this is the same person) you would have had to have been a member of my forum more than 9 months ago. In fact, you would have had to have been a member before we moved the forum to its new host, becaues there is only one post from a strypes on the new forum, and it is about raspberry chocolate truffles.
I don't know what game you are playing at... but your accusations are getting absurd.
So, can we get back on track?
Yup. Same Strypes as from tec's voice-hearers forum. I recognize the vitriol.
I`m agnostic..No Faith at all..
I mod on Shelby and Tec`s Forum..
I work with Administrations from Both Forums..xjwsforChrist and JWN..
Neither Administration will put up with the Bashing of Either Forum..
I work with Both Administrations to Enforce That..
I've told you how I became familiar with your forum, tec.
Tec, you were not the one I got emails from. he was a guy and I do not remember his name. So I guess I do not remember your forum at all. The guy sent emails regarding his post kinda like advertisements almost. I never responded to the person (a woman) who said that I was never a jw and didn't belong there. I just left.