Does it make sense to decide BEFORE you have sufficient information on which to base a decision, or is it better to await information?
YES or NO?
Normally, yes - it make sense to get sufficient information before making a decision. But then the question of the existence of god is probably unlike most others and for the reasons already stated it will never be provable either way beyond all doubt. Is that important? Is it fair to demand 100% evidence one way or the other to make the right decision?
There are lots of situations in life where we have to make decisions without a 100% complete understanding of all available information. This happens in day-to-day life, in science, you name it. To demand completeness of information would mean "analysis paralysis" where you would never decide anything. We play percentage games and probabilities all the time whether we realize it or not.
So I think we already have sufficient information to make a perfectly informed decision that the Jewish god as described does not exist.
As Christopher Hitchens so brilliantly put it: either man was made by a god who is jealous, short tempered and inconsistent or god was an invention of men who were jealous, short tempered and inconsistent.
The racism, sexism and plain ignorance screams from the pages of gods supposedly hand-written book - simply the work of fanatical men.
Given that is the basis for the theism we're discussing, I think we have the evidence we need.
Now whether it matters to anyone? I don't give a damn if someone else wants to waste their life based on 2,000 year old superstitions. But I'd rather people like that kept out of any decision making that affects me and don't annoy me by trying to promote their lunacy while I'm in earshot.
Why don't we waste time trying to ascertain whether someone is the living embodiment of Elvis or not? Because it's crackpot - we know it without needing to see the evidence. Just because a silly theory caught on and has been promoted (actually forced on people by the sword I would remind you) then there is no more reason to give it more respect than it deserves. We've battled religious lunacy for millenia now and we're winning and life is better for it.