Adam's point was a deliberate distraction. Fracking is a big issue in the UK right now, its constantly on the news and nobody is unaware that it can cause tremors.
The thread is about the Asian tsunami which happened 19 miles below the Indian Ocean.
I ignored Adam's comment because his only motive is to draw attention to Adam. He was the same arrogant know-all when he posted as King Solomon. Its often best to ignore his waffle.
Are you seriously claiming humans caused the Asian tsunami and every other deadly earthquake in human history? If not then it is a facile point.
I have never knowingly misrepresented your points. When you spend 50 pages basically saying nothing apart form "its a mystery" its difficult not to start to speculate what you are actually trying to say.
I'm still wonderng what you meant by "In your atheistic world death is the default anyway, so why kick up such a righteous fuss against God if he exists?"