The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Miss.Fit

    But Humble: we can see the influence or effect of gravity even if we don' t know the cause. It is still a fact it exists.

    God or a creator or supreme entity or whatever way you want to classify it does not seem to.

    The pull towards a spiritual or moral need seems relative and personal which is why it is hard to quantify.

    Isn't that more in the realm of philosophy?

    Is life and the most human or cultural need to fill a spiritual void proof of a creator or superior being?

    Btw Humble and Sunny: I can relate to your posts and your journey. I find I am stumbling along a similar one.

    Miss.Fit who still has an open mind.

  • cofty

    Can everyone really live a moral life without that additional motive ( further punishment may come after death for being good? - Apognophos

    Yes. Not only that, but the only really moral life is one that is not predicated on punishment and reward.

    Of course we are off-topic but after 103 pages why not?

    I have also suggested how we can reconcile a disaster with the concept of a loving god. - jgnat

    Yes but the challenge is to reconcile the omnipotent, loving god of chsitian theism with the events of 26th December 2004.

  • sunny23

    I must admit that through my teenage years and into my early twenties I had a deep disregard for authorities. I ran from police on more than several occasions. There were much worse things I had wanted to do as a fear of civil punishment was non existent in me but I refrained because fear of God was within me. Now that I'm older and have real things to lose for acting wrecklessly, I do fear civil punishment but I no longer fear Godly punishment. The point is that in some circumstances, fear of God, however dilusional it might be now in hindsight, can have a meaningful role in civility where these so-called "in-grained" ethics might fail or where fear of governmental punishment is dampered.

  • jgnat

    My only protest, Cofty, was when someone declared on the demolition of the Christian theist God, that athiesm had won the day. We're a few steps away from that yet.

  • caliber

    My only protest, Cofty, was when someone declared on the demolition of the Christian theist God, that athiesm had won the day. We're a few steps away from that yet.

    There are greater mysteries and moments of awe to consider for sure .. to expand our thoughts of wonderment

    We know gravity is everywhere, even though we can't see it. We know it pulls on every rock, every grain of sand. It pulls on everything. But no one knows exactly what gravity is. That's why gravity is a mystery." !
    ~~~Gravity is a Mystery

    Matter tells space how to warp. And warped space tells matter how to move"
    ~~~Grossman, Hilbert and Schwarzschild

    Who or what has spoken and who must listen and why ?

    "Light can be used to push like charges apart or pull different charges together"

    What is the source of such light ? Who understands the who, what, where, and why of gravity ?

    Likewise ...who can understand all the why's of God ?

    Does stop believing in gravity until you understand it's mystery of why , makes sense to you ?

    Demanding an answer for why gravity is ..... does nothing to change it's constant effects or actions

  • jgnat

    Caliber, would you prefer that gravity remain a mystery?

  • caliber

    I can accept that my limited intellect cannot understand all the universal things of God

    Job 11:7
    "Can you discover the depths of God? Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?

    Ephesians 3:9
    and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things;

  • jgnat

    ..and once the mystery of gravity is resolved, what then?

  • caliber

    ..and once the mystery of gravity is resolved, what then?

    If you wish to stare far ahead to the end of your path , your journey, you may well be tripped by the stone that lies beneath your feet

  • jgnat

    ....aaah, retreat to inscrutability grasshopper.

    Look to the road ahead or you might just jump the curb.

    Canada's Worst Driver

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