"The only solution is to improve the quality of life for everyone" is what we ought to do but the unfortunate side-effect of christian theism is to provide that benefit only to those who deserve it: those of our own faith.
Ironically, material benefit is for only those who have a hope beyond this life. and the only thing a JW offers an un-believer is --a free home bible study!
I am aware that other denominations do charitable work--but this often is what aims to produce "rice" Christians with varying degrees of genuine faith.
So what's to be done?
I agree that whatever comfort people can derive from the anguish of life is to be left to them.
"A smoking wick he will not extinguish" is a sweet scripture for that reason. A hope beyond the decimation of your home and family? Take what you can find, of course!
But there is this: that scripture alludes to faith in God. and what threatens that flame if not the loss of hope and purpose? (It is for want of hope and purpose that some seek religion to begin with) So faith finds itself necessarily attached to hope and love as well--look at 1 Cor. 13. That is why faith dies so often when stripped of hope and love. (That three cord strand...)
But when there be others nearby working, who for love of others, who know we are all brothers and sisters and mothers here on the earth---OF WHAT EVER FAITH OR OF NO FAITH--helping and healing those who need it--all without a promise of recompense in the afterlife--then there a flame that burns in every moment.
That thought kinda lights my fire.