The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LisaRose

    I credit JWN with helping me to sort out my conflicting beliefs after I left the JWs. It took me eight years to get over the mind control that made me fear so called "apostate" sites, then another few before I could say I no longer believed in God. It was a life changer for me, I no longer feared the wrath of an angry God for not knowing which of the many religions that claimed to represent him were the ones he approved. I didn't post on those threads because the ones who did made a better argument that I could have, but I read them and learned.

    So yes, many people view these threads, but don't post, but just because the ones who post as believers don't lose their belief in God, it doesn't mean such discussions are futile, on the contrary, I think they are very important.

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    So he's a bore and Quibble bored funny!

  • rip van winkle
  • eva luna
    eva luna

    ... for Rippie.

    bloody hell

    sometimes... the less some one says is hard to forget

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    To bore cofty is a pleasant affirmation! Both he and Jesus can kiss my hind end.

    And I loved Quibble.


  • cofty

    Eva, Rip and Zed, thanks for your insightful contributions to one of the best discussions on JWN in recent years.

    I still intend to update the summary when I get a spare hour...

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Cofty, for goodness sake. Was just saying Hi

  • DJS

    Zed and Kass,

    Typical response from a non-intellectual, under-educated 'feeler believer.' You can't prove anything, you can't win any debates with the opposition or disprove any of them so you attack the oppositiion. This post could have been left alone by you and your kind. The tail end responses were desperation moves from those narcissistically trying to get the last word, thinking that, now that the intellectual discussions are over you can somehow make your stirring points. Geessh. But thank you nonetheless. Lurkers have benefited. Now you all go back and play with the other chimpanzees. I'm sorry if I've offended the chimps. Cofty is nicer than I.

  • Miss.Fit

    DJS : I think you are being a little hard on kass. The thread was over 100 pages. That's alot to wade through. Kass said up front he didnt read all of the posts.

    Kass: be sure to click on Cofty's summary link. That will catch you up on the discussion. Take your time.

    I found myself giving the automatic cliche responses and had to stop and ask myself if I really believed it or was I just parroting what I was taught.

  • DJS


    Point taken. I will work on my impatience. Thank you.

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