If we don't believe in life after death and the world to come, then I dont know what explanation we would be willing to accept - Kassad
Any explanation that doesn't contradict other things that theists also preach.
My point is not that god doesn't exist or that if he does he must end all suffering. My point - and I would go as far as to claim we have proven it here - is that the christian theism model of god is impossible. He does not; cannot exist. Your beliefs are self-contradictory.
A god who is omnipotent and loving cannot be reconciled with the events of 26th December 2004 or with any other similar natural disaster. The sort of god that millions of christians worship is a delusion.
In your answer you have offered two explanations, both of which have been answered at length above.
1. You suggest that it doesn't matter that god drowned a quarter of million people and devasted the lives of millions more because he will give them nice things later. Please think about what you are saying here.
You still have all your work to do to explain how the immense pain and suffering casued by the tsunami can be reconciled with a god of love. By talking about a future paradise you are simply avoiding the question. Why did god kill all those people and create millions of orphans and widows? Your model of god behaves like a very wealthy man who destroys other people's lives, and then thinks he can make it all better by throwing his money around.
2. You think you can excuse god's mass murder because he "took our flesh and suffered with us."
Psac said something similar but refused to explain what he meant. What is the connection between Jesus getting himself crucified and the tsunami? How is it any different from a young man who slits his wrists to prove his love for the object of his attraction? If suffering for somebody is going to mean anything then it has to be suffering instead of them. Are you really suggesting that Jesus' death makes it ok for him to kill and maim others? Your problem is even greater than that though. You have to show that the tsunami was an act of perfect godly love. You have not even begun to address the question.
Of course one has to have faith to believe this, and by faith I mean, one needs to be a fool.
I agree.