FHN said- Adam, your long winded posts are too boring to read past the first two words.
Since you are avoiding the points I made (as if thinking that'll make them just go away?), I can assure you that your posts are no bed of roses to wade through, as it's rather painful to fathom what apparently passes for 'common sense' in your head.
FHN said- I'm not a bible person dahling, though I do find some wisdom in the book, from time to time.
Huh? You're "not a Bible person"?
That claim only raises questions:
1) why have you bothered to offer up a botched theodicy for Jehovah, the God character of the Bible and the topic of this thread?
2) And if not from the Bible, where exactly did you come up with your customizable shaping-shifting concepts of God's character, in the first place?
See, I'm not buying it: when the going gets tough, you now want your God to become another all-powerful deity, except with a different name than the Hebrew name, YHWH. Move those goalposts!
FHN, whether you realize it or not, you're relying on multiple permutations of an "appeal to personal ignorance" argument, which is the same dynamic that has fueled the perpetuation of belief in Gods for thousands of years now, being expressed with such thought-stopping phrases like, "God works in mysterious ways", or "We cannot answer why, since we lack the vantage point of Holy God", or "Who are we as mere mortals to question the wisdom of God?" etc. ALL are classic 'thought-stoppers' (and despite what you may read on JWN, JWs actually didn't invent the concept, the name 'thought-stopper', or its usage: JWs are merely one of the Xian religions that rely on the technique).
All such "answers" are actually non-answers.
Further, the problem with all such weak-sauce kiss-off answers is that it's simply not the case, since the question at hand is a MORAL/ETHICAL one, and even the Bible itself (which you claim not to believe in) admits that humans DO possess a sense of morality and ethics (as retarded and atropied as it may be in some believers) since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit that magically bestowed wisdom to humanity. Hence, per the Bible, humans DO have the capability to address ethical questions, and we DO IT, all the time.
Thus, I, just like any other human, have the capability to reach ethical conclusions eg recognizing that owning other humans is simply wrong, since it violates the human rights of others (their sense of self-autonomy and self-determination). See, I'm actually more moral and ethical than Jehovah and Jesus, combined, since 2,000 yrs later it turns out they ended up on the wrong side of the slavery issue, and God's braggidocious claims of being perfect and immutable sets him in concrete on the issue, so He's mired in his own mud.
Granted, some people may be personally ignorant of such philosophical (ethical) concerns addressed in the works of Bentham, Schopenhauer, etc over the past millenia, but don't expect the rest of us to be dragging into the mire of your personal ignorance of ethics.
The problem with the Bible is that it actually suppresses a believer's sense of morality, in essence encouraging people to become passive followers of the rules laid down in it vs developing their own ethical sensibilities, allowing them to grow stronger via wrestling with painful questions of right and wrong. The Bible teaches believers to FOLLOW, but not to internalize what actions are proper.
Perhaps the attraction of being told what we should do, and backed with assurances of why it's correct and true suffices for many: that's a personality trait that groups like the JWs will willingly exploit.
Many apparently don't really care about WHAT they believe, instead picking and choosing beliefs based on HOW what they believe makes them feel. That's the functional definition of someone who is egocentric and self-centered, who believes in their own personal fable.
TEC said-
How did evil get here then? Like a virus itself perhaps... from our choices. Anything that does not come FROM love can and does cause harm to someone or something, even if we do not see that ourselves.
Most scientifically-literate believers have to accept the existence of viruses, and many also won't deny that God had to make them. However, TEC hasn't tired of "blaming the victims" yet, since there's no reasonable explanation for what possible poor choice this baby could've possibly have made (except possibly the extremely poor choice to be born into a World where believers like TEC would blame him for a viral condition that was completely beyond his ability to decide).